"Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around..."
(Completed my 2nd dose of AZ) |
Alhamdulillah. We completed the second dose of Covid-19 AZ vaccination at PWTC today.
The second dose of the vaccine was administered after more than three months. We received our first dose on June 7. Unlike the first dose, the side-effects of the second dose were mild which are normal signs that our body is building protection and should go away in a few days.
Some people have no side effects at all! Lucky them.
(Early for our appointment at noon) |
(Triple protection in crowded area) |
(Fast and efficient services of our front-liners) |
(Done our second dose) |
(Yeay!) |
(One for the album) |
(Entertained by live music) |
(Ice-cream indulgence at Sunway Mall) |