About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Thursday, 30 April 2009

Sambal belacan...

“The more one judges, the less one loves…” - Honoré de Balzac

Last night, hubby complained again of his headache. The persistent pain started right after his deep water fishing outing with friends last weekend. Our initial diagnose was heat stroke, nothing more. While massaging his neck I complained of pain in my wrist.
‘Pasal tumbuk sambal belacan tadi…’
‘Sedap sambal belacan you, yang..’
‘A ah.. Sara pun menjilat jari he he..’

I have not tasted my own sambal belacan for a very long time and this is the first time I am using my new lesong. It is big and heavy. They said Penang makes the best belacan but I was using Melaka made this time with fresh red chilies, generous squeeze of lime and a pinch of sugar.

This morning before subuh prayer, hubby was in the wash room longer than usual. I peeked and saw him, one hand massaging his head and the other, rubbing his tummy.
‘sakit perut pulak, yang…’
‘mesti sebab makan my sambal belacan malam tadi.. he he’

With his current condition, how to enjoy this long weekend...

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

A lady under the bridge...

"Everyone has their own destiny. Not everyone makes the choice to persue it..."

Although busy with my daily office work, I still have ample time to look out of the window and watch the world passes by.

For the past few weeks, day in and day out, around my normal lunch hour, I saw this lady, not older than me, carrying a bag full of needful things. She will come from nowhere and goes to her same favorite spot under the bridge and lies down to sleep. With only old newspapers protecting her body against the barren stony ground, she sleeps and wakes up almost always at the same time.

Then she packs her things and off she goes.

I saw you sleeping under the bridge
Dreams of bright and beautiful things
I wonder if you are okay
I wonder if you have a home to stay
I pray that God will watch over you always…

Monday, 27 April 2009


"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results..."

I work hard, and I work smart. And I am willing to put in a few extra hours every day to get better.

Today is the launching of the 75th TLDM Commemorative Coins in Lumut. My boss is accompanying the Big boss to the event. Two of my staff are also in Lumut. There are stacks of urgent memos and consignments' requests awaiting approvals. Nobody responded to my e-log and no one has cleared the out-tray...
Even my secretary is missing too.

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Dulu dan Sekarang...

"Aging gracefully is supposed to mean trying not to hide time passing..."

After the sweaty gym session, hubby and I proceeded to the Bowling Café and left Sara roasting in the sauna. A much needed 15-minutes sauna session can induce up to a litter of sweats and hopefully burn up some calories. Last weekend she attended a friend’s wedding and celebrated her birthday with her BF in JB. And I imagined she must have gained kilos… he he.. 'Iwan and Ella came to join us for dinner. Both of them just came back from a week’s holiday in LA and bought us t-shirts and souvenirs. From their stories, they enjoyed the trip so much even though Ella was a little disappointed for not able to go on rides. Never mind, next trip to Disneyland can bring little one along…

'Browsing through their holiday photos, reminded me of our trip to LA exactly 20 years ago in 1989 when I had the opportunity to take a week holiday after attending a Reserve Management Seminar in New York.
(1989 - Hubby and I, young and slim)
(2009 – Iwan and Ella, young and chubby)

Sunday, 19 April 2009

Bloggers meet @ The Marche...

“I don't think that there are any limits to how excellent we could make life seem...” - Jonathan Safran Foer

It was quiet outside the Marche @ the Curve when we arrived. And we were running late too as the rest were already wating! After a brief introductions and briefly getting to know each other, foods were ordered from variety of stalls and with 17 adults and 4 active boys, the room was filled with squeals and laughter...

During the photo sessions, Brother Zino was surrounded by the Makcik bloggers. Luckily he was accompanied by his son Hazwan, Kak Lady's son Fareez and Ummie's 2 sons. Some of us, shorter ones, had to stand on chairs to be visible in the picture. Later, some exchanged of gifts, some won lucky draws and a preview of a new book. We had so much fun...

At least Brother Zino was not the only thorn among the roses, Brother Nashrul, Tulip's hubby and my dear hubby kept him company with their man talk.

I am glad that I joined today's get together for I made many new friends. This is the first time i met face to face with Kak Lady, CikMilah, Raden Galoh, PB, Nurazzah and Zino and wife, Aishah. Kak Elle, Ummie, Tulip, Mas, Ezzah and Dodie I have met before...

Saturday, 11 April 2009

The Melting Pot...

“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself...” - Virginia Woolf

We were on our way to a Makcik Bloggers hi-tea at the Melting Pot, Concord Hotel when I asked Sara:

‘Pasal apa dorang panggil Melting Pot agak nye ye?’
‘That’s a meeting place for people of different cultures, races and religions…’
‘Ooh… I imagine something else… he he’

The theme was pink and all the makcik bloggers (sorry for the younger ones to be called makcik too) came with something pinky, what a beautiful color…

(The spread of good food... Tapi meja macam berat sebelah)
(Sara, Nong, Kak Elle, Ummi, Ezza, Maklang, Mas & Dody)
(Special pose before goodbyes...)
(The door gifts)

The food was delicious, and the company was great. Another reason to smile. Thanks for the beautiful gifts too…

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Reasons to smile...

“The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means...” - Oscar Wilde

Last Saturday I met up for lunch with two of my long lost friends, kid and Bee at KLCC.

For nearly 4 hours, we talked, laughed and cried, mused over our life stories, old and recent. I knew both of them since in the early 60’s and we were in the same class, same schools from standard one till form five. Then after we went our separate ways, pursued our studies and careers, fell in and out of love several times, got married and have children. We have gone through the past without regret, and hopefully will prepare the future without fear. We went through life’s ups and downs and survived.

Only after nearly 30 years, we met up and became closest of friends all over again.

p.s. Between the 3 of us, we have a daughter named Sara, what a coincidence...'