“No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself...” - Virginia Woolf
‘Pasal apa dorang panggil Melting Pot agak nye ye?’
‘That’s a meeting place for people of different cultures, races and religions…’
‘Ooh… I imagine something else… he he’
‘That’s a meeting place for people of different cultures, races and religions…’
‘Ooh… I imagine something else… he he’

(The spread of good food... Tapi meja macam berat sebelah) |
(Sara, Nong, Kak Elle, Ummi, Ezza, Maklang, Mas & Dody) |
(Special pose before goodbyes...) |
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(The door gifts) |
The food was delicious, and the company was great. Another reason to smile. Thanks for the beautiful gifts too…
seronok kan dapat jumpa kawan alam maya ni...rasa sekejap jer...
ReplyDeletenanti kita calling caling je la ya..jangan lupa download YM tu tau..
ReplyDeletemeja tak berat sebelah sebab sebelah sana and sebelah sini makan sama banyak...
kerusi tu betul berat sebelah..he..he...:)
Nong it was a pleasure meeting you and sarah...
ReplyDeleteada masa insya'allah kita jumpa lagi.
ReplyDeleteSeronok, walau pun sekejap. Macam dah kenal lama. Nanti nak try YM tu, kejap ada kejap takde pulak...
Kesian maklang, mesti penat kena kerja next day. Che abang lagi penat kena drive all night...
Kak Elle,
It was my pleasure too. Ada peluang, kita jumpa lagi. InsyaAllah...
kak nong.. first time jumpa kak nong.. terkejut den.. awet muda gitu.. boleh pinjam baju sara lagi. apa secret? hehehe
ReplyDeleteKak Nong,
ReplyDeletewow...best nye get together. Everyone so ceria with pinkish..
U take care too
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, life has been good and anak2 pun dah besar2. Between me and sara kita share baju pasal size nak dekat sama. he he..
I wish you could join the get together. That day everyone so sporting with the pink theme. he he..
cerita makan juga... nyesal nya tak dapat datang hehe
ReplyDeleteYe lah. Cerita apa lagi kalau tak makan2. Dengar kena jadi supir hari tu ye... Rugi tak join. He he...
seronok nye jumpa kawan blogger. heheh.. next time join bole ke he..he..
ReplyDeleteMemang seronok berjumpa rakan2 bloggers ni. Boleh mengeratkan lagi silaturrahim...
Nanti kalau ada lagi gathering jom lah join. Lebih ramai, lebih meriah....
fuyooo ... siap ada theme ... pink
wah! seronoknya pink ladies ni semua! sure gegar punya melting pot tuh!
ReplyDeletekak nong,
ReplyDeleteaziz tanya kak nong ada adik tak nama Ramli tak..dulu sekolah di MBS KL dan tinggal di asrama Yayasan Selangor?
Sebab nama bapa kak nong tu sama ngan nama bapa kawan dia tu..
ReplyDeleteYe lah. That day semua orang sporting, semua bertema pink. Kalau pakcik bloggers, susah sikit kut nak cari baju pink. he he...
Kak nong terpaksa pinjam baju untuk hari itu he he...!
Dengar2 dorang nak buat gathering next Sunday @ the curve. Mama & Azer, jom lah join...
ReplyDeleteTu lah ramai orang tanya, kut ada brother sister. Sebab nama abah ni pelik & femes he he...
kak nong takde adik lelaki, adik perempuan ramai. Ada 2 abang tapi dorang dah pencen lama...
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ReplyDeletesalam kak nong,
ReplyDeleteI am stranger :) just wondering. Saya ada terbaca tentang entry akak pada 2006 tentang pawang sidon. Adakah orang yang dimaksudkan itu berasal dari muar johor? maaf kalau saya tersalah orang.
Wow! wonderful get together.I envy you all.Barulah dapat tenguk kak ezza, mak lang dll..
ReplyDeleteYour daughter is very pretty lah nong.Next time nak join boleh tak?
Oh ya, pawang sidon dari muar tu i biasa lah..
ReplyDeleteW'salam. Pawang Sidon tu my great grand father on my father's side. My grandma was Zainab binti Sidon. She was married to Abdul Ghani. My father is one of their sons. I am not sure whether he was from Muar but my father is a Johorian too. I have a lot of relatives in Muar.
So i am cicit Pawang Sidon. Any blood relation there? he he...
ReplyDeleteHe he... Kalau you are in KL, just jump in. They are gathering again this Saturday @ the Curve. Mesti havoc!
Wah! You pun kenal Pawang Sidon tu ye. Possible the same one ke? I don't have the opportunity to meet this famous man. Even my grandpa died when i was very young...
Salm Kak Nong,
ReplyDeleteExactly, we are related then. hehheh. My grandma was Fatimah Binti Sidon. I am Pawang Sidon's cicit as well. What a small world! :)
I mean, kalau kita maksudkan Orang yang sama, that from Muar..guess i need to ask my father on this..yeah i will..:)
ReplyDeleteYes, we may be related if we are talking about the same man. I'll ask my abah too. Are u in KL?
I meant to look up family salasilah but it's difficult to trace...
Take care.
Salam Kak Nong,
ReplyDeleteyes I am in KL, but my parents stay in JB. By the way if i want to exchange more info with you privately, can i email you at nongtop1@yahoo? I saw that address in your profile. Is that ok?
You take care too..:)
ReplyDeleteHope i get your name right he he.. I visited your blog and the pictures are beutiful.
yes, you can use that e-mail address....
Hi Nong, love your humour, ha ha, "meja berat one side", arhaaa ha ha. Thats hilarious!
ReplyDeleteBet you ladies had fun exchanging the latest.
Have a pleasant weekend, Lee.
yup, u got my name rite :) Thanks for liking my photos..:)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I've send a few info on your email..;)
kak nong...hope to see u today ek...sy nak mensahihkan kata2 sis ummi tu..memangggg kak nong awek mudakan!!
ReplyDeleteThis weekend we have another get together and it's going to be more of the good foods and fun...
Smiley Morning,
I will reply to your e-mail. I've been talking to my abah this morning and quite lot of info too...
See u later. Tulip datang dgn hubby kan? Kak nong nak pujuk hubby to come along. Nanti dorang boleh temankan bro zino tu. he he..
oooo..ke sini ka kak elle...rupanya ada perjumpaan makcik makcik blogger!!
ReplyDeleteakak...memang sejak dua menjak ni..akak memang rapat betul bersocial dengan kakak blogger..i think it is great!! akak still pergi ke belajar menyulam kat mak lang? seronok tengok gambar gambar ni.. :0)
ReplyDeleteplease refer to my next entry! We met up again at the curve and this time round, ramai lagi turned up. Wish you were here with us...
RE tu kak nong belajar yang basic je. Belum sempat nak buat project baru...