About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Sunday 19 April 2009

Bloggers meet @ The Marche...

“I don't think that there are any limits to how excellent we could make life seem...” - Jonathan Safran Foer

It was quiet outside the Marche @ the Curve when we arrived. And we were running late too as the rest were already wating! After a brief introductions and briefly getting to know each other, foods were ordered from variety of stalls and with 17 adults and 4 active boys, the room was filled with squeals and laughter...

During the photo sessions, Brother Zino was surrounded by the Makcik bloggers. Luckily he was accompanied by his son Hazwan, Kak Lady's son Fareez and Ummie's 2 sons. Some of us, shorter ones, had to stand on chairs to be visible in the picture. Later, some exchanged of gifts, some won lucky draws and a preview of a new book. We had so much fun...

At least Brother Zino was not the only thorn among the roses, Brother Nashrul, Tulip's hubby and my dear hubby kept him company with their man talk.

I am glad that I joined today's get together for I made many new friends. This is the first time i met face to face with Kak Lady, CikMilah, Raden Galoh, PB, Nurazzah and Zino and wife, Aishah. Kak Elle, Ummie, Tulip, Mas, Ezzah and Dodie I have met before...


  1. seronokkan perjumpaan tu...bodyguard kita plak ngam soi bley layan borak...adalah peneman bro zino.
    apa2pun.ur hubby pun awek muda like u..hehe.(nnt wat buku rahsia kemudaan itew ek..)

  2. kak nong... we rock hahaha. Great that you made it to the meeting with bodyguard lagi... very sportinglah abang mus.

  3. Kak Nong, first time jumpa Kak Nong in realiti and in blog. ... Nice meeting you...kalau tak cakap umur mesti saya cakap k Nong belum 50an lagi...mcm kak nong yg lebih muda dari saya...hehehe...
    apa rahsia?

  4. happynya dpt jumpa lagi!!! I like ur gift! Ada can kita jumpa lagi ni! Best,kan??

  5. Tulip,
    Nasib baik abang mus & your hubby nak ikut.At least zino berteman hari tu. At this age tak yah nak awet muda, yang important to take care of our health...


    Yes, all of us rock that day! Abang mus tu peramah, senang nak make friends. Ramai pulak kenalan in common...


    Nice meeting you too. Tak sabar rasanye nak retire and rest. Hubby dah retired earlier.

    Age is so relative. But happiness is a catalyst to life fulfillment...


    I'm glad you like it. At least some of you are so talented with your kraf-tangan. Yes, we'll have opportunity nak jumpa lagi, insyaAllah...

  6. nong
    terima kasih sediakan kawan utk zino berbual.. kalau tak harus melayan hazwan makan dan makan hehe

    rasnya ini pertemuan blogger yg pertama buat zino.. hehe

  7. bestnya tengok pertemuan kali ini...lebih meriah kan...

  8. Nong thank u for making time for this get together again and thank u for the precious gift.

    Hidup makcik bloggers:)

  9. Kak Nong
    hapening betul sabtu lepas ya..
    best sesangat...moga dapat berkumpul kembali yer...jangan lupa YM tau!

  10. zino,
    Next bloggers gathering, kalau nak teman cakap ler... Boleh suruh bouncer ikut sama he he...


    Memang meriah, havoc satu restaurant. Dah dapat mesin baru tu mesti start buat project baru ...


    Kak Elle,
    The pleasure is mine. Say YES to makcik bloggers! he he...


    Sempat bersalam dengan ex-PM lagi tu. Caya lah Ezzah... Tiap kali nampak Ezzah on-line, masih tak dapat nak send message lagi lah. Kadang2 Ok, kadang kO...

  11. Salam Kak Non

    kita memang ROCKKKKerrs lar hari tu.
    Macam tempat tu kita yang punya ...


    Thx 4 the gift

  12. Kak..its nice meeting you...seronok betul dpt jumpa kak nong yang dah lama anie kenal dari blogworld...was waiting to meet you for quite sometime...puas rasa hati ni...

    Memang meriah masa kt marche tu kan? Semua sporting...cuma rasa terkilan sebab tak sempat menyediakan apa2 cenderahati buat kenangan untuk bloggers yang lain...

    Anyway...wish to meet you again and get to know you better...mungkin dilain masa dan ketika...Insyaallah...

  13. pB,
    Salam. Lain kali kalau kita nak book kat situ lagi mungkin dorang tak bagi, pasal habis gegar satu restoran. he he...


    Nice meeting you too...seronok dan gembira dapat berjumpa. Macam dah kenal lama ye...

    InsyaAllah kalau buat gathering lagi kak nong akan join. Kita boleh sembang panjang2 he he...

  14. wah seronoknyer dpt jumpa ramai2...

  15. Ainaa,
    Memang seronok jumpa kawan2 bloggers. Hari tu maklang ada kat KL pun ainaa tak join gak!

    Bagi lah e-mail address so that boleh contact kalau ada get together lagi :)

  16. Hi Nong, at last I now can see the faces behind the callsigns, though a few I have to guess. Only recognized a few.
    But can imagine the fun and laughter you all had.

    I too look forward to one day meeting the real faces behind their callsigns.

    You keep well Nong, and have a pleasant week, Lee.

  17. Lee,
    My first time to meet some of them face-to-face too. When we met, it was like a reunion for long lost friends, and trying to figure out who is who. he he...

    Can you imagine the surprises and excitement!

  18. Must be feeling great surrounded by people with common interest. Have fun and makan-makan.May Allah bless all of us.....

  19. Common interests tu must be blogging and makan2. Yes, we had so much fun!

    Ooops, sape ni?
