About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Tuesday 7 April 2009

Reasons to smile...

“The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means...” - Oscar Wilde

Last Saturday I met up for lunch with two of my long lost friends, kid and Bee at KLCC.

For nearly 4 hours, we talked, laughed and cried, mused over our life stories, old and recent. I knew both of them since in the early 60’s and we were in the same class, same schools from standard one till form five. Then after we went our separate ways, pursued our studies and careers, fell in and out of love several times, got married and have children. We have gone through the past without regret, and hopefully will prepare the future without fear. We went through life’s ups and downs and survived.

Only after nearly 30 years, we met up and became closest of friends all over again.

p.s. Between the 3 of us, we have a daughter named Sara, what a coincidence...'


  1. nong...

    how abt this saturday 11th free tak?I will be in KL ..

  2. Salam KakNong,how sweet...old friends are like ginger. Makin tua makin "umpphh".
    Been so long you don't write about Senator U after she become ADUN... write la.. missing her loads..baca cerita akak pun dah hilang rindu.
    She and hubby (alFatihah)was my lecturer.

  3. kak nong,
    tiga tiga nampak cun ja..selim selim sajer...

    Kak ,jom kita sembang2 sama kat KLCC food court bersama Kak Elle and the rest this saturday..3 pm kot...ok lahhh ya..

  4. kak

    saya terpakai acc anak saya laa..sori ya..Ynag mie tu saya lah tadi...

  5. ni gambar bila ni?
    (pasal baju tu dah kasi kat sara hehehehe :P)

  6. Kak Elle,
    Yeay! Tengahari ada wedding hari tu. Tapi kalau petang tu free la…


    Tengok gambar memang slim, tapi jangan terpedaya he he...

    11 Apr kak nong ok je hari tu sebelah petang. Boleh melencong ke KLCC lepas attend wedding nanti. 3 p.m. at food court kat tingkat 4 tu ke?

  7. CikMilah,
    Masya-Allah, small world ye.

    Senator U tu one of my Big-5 geng masa sekolah dulu. We were together since form 1 to form 5 and had gone through adolescence together. Her aruah husband was our classmate too. Yes, will write about the YB and the geng, with her consent of course.

    She’s busy with the bi-elections, I’ll be seeing her in KL later next week.


    Patut lah mak tak nampak lagi baju ni dalam almari...

    Gambar ni masa aunty kid baru balik dari Wellington, kita buat old goonies gathering kat KB. Masa tu mak slim sikit. He he...

    Malam ni mak abah gi gym kat club, nak try lose some weight. Kalau nak join, after magrib ye...

  8. Kak Nong...bila bercakap pasal kawan2 sekolah masa lalu...anie dah lama tak jumpa kawan2 sekolah...biar pun yang sekampung...masing2 dah berhijrah ke tempat lain...

    Bertahun2 tak jumpa mengundang rindu pada saat2 bersama...

  9. Anie,
    Kak Nong pun baru sekarang menjejak balik kawan2 sekolah dulu. Semua dah punya anak2 yang besar2. Dan ramai juga yang dah bercucu...

    Masa berlalu dengan cepat, dan usia kita makin meningkat...

  10. Salam Nong,
    I am sure the three of you maintain gitu.At your age tak nampak pun any spare tyres.Keep it up.
    Memang seronok jumpa old friends, sharing stories of good old days..
    Then barulah nampak how silly we were sometimes.I get to keep in touch with ex students and old friends through this blogsphere..

  11. Madam,
    Kalau pakai baju kurung kurang lah sikit nampak yang spare tyres tu. Baju kebaya dah lama tak leh pakai :)

    Memang seronok jumpa kawan lama. Kami semua dulu memang nakal2, a lot of shared secrets between us...

  12. Dear Big Five,

    Minutes and hours have passed by ..we, alhamdulillah are still around. To be in part of the designated journey to Allah. As we move on ....we learnt and began to understand what really matter most in our lives are what really matters to Allah. we ..do our part of the bargain and Allah perpetually showers His blessings as He designs our path to Him . Let us pray that, our designated journey only lead to His utmost approval and welcomed end of the journey. Allah has crossed our paths together...and look , what beauty Has He kept for us....when we reach our 50’s.....

    love u guys,

  13. salam nong..lol..mustve been nearly a yr since i blogread. Caught up w urs recently , interesting as usual. Echoes ur sentiment abt old frens, they are priceless, esp those who hv known u since before akhil baligh lagi hehe

  14. Babee,
    I wish that we have more time to reminisce. I miss both Ubai and Ani. I am trying to get Ani's e-mail so that she will be in the loop of happenings.

    I know YB is busy with the bi-elections, most probably celebrating with the team. Hope to see her in KL soon. Will let u and kid know once confirmed.


    I've been dropping by yours for updates too but i guess you are busy with work and small ones.

    Yes, friends are priceless, more precious than diamonds...

  15. kak nong,

    can you email me at anilsahibad@yahoo.com

  16. Dear Ummi,

    Just came back from a long meeting. I am packing to go home - ada family baca yasin tonite, i'll reply to your e-mail tomorrow ok.

    What's up?

  17. what a coincident. i have a daughter named sarah :-)

  18. Azer,
    Really? When i told my Sara, she said if u throw a stone outside the window, you for sure will hit a Sara! he he...

  19. Hi Nong, its always wonderful to meet old classmates.
    Bet you all had fun.
    I have not met any of my classmates gone on 45 years, ha ha.
    Oh well, I'm lost to them being here.
    You have fun, Nong, keep well, Lee.

  20. Lee,
    We had fun remembering old tricks we played on people or those mean tricks people played on us.

    I wonder what happens to some of my schoolmates since the early 60's..

    U take care too...

  21. kebetulan ek sume anak nama sara?? sitie xde?? hehe..

  22. Cik Sitie,
    Tu lah... macam berpakat2 pulak kita orang ni. Satu hari nanti nak pertemu 3 budak2 Sara ni.

    Sitie bila nak kawin? he he...

  23. Dearest Nong...
    it's been a while now since I last read your blog.....miss it very much...but you know me, very well ......got to meet up again before anything happen to any of us......
    luv u guys...

  24. Sape ni? Mesti one of u guys. Will arrange a get together again ye. My apaartment or my dusun masa musim buah nanti :)

    Luv u guys too...

  25. Nong?
    So after some cyber travels and a couple of off cyber calls, i'm at yr page. Nice to get a peep at you and Mus.
    I'm no blogger, but you can see me at anakcucusitipura.blogspot.com. Ani must have told you abt the get-together we grandpas are planning. Babe will follow with you on this.
    Kirim salam kat Mus, giv him a big kick if he don't remember me.
    Just in case ; harun.muhamed@gmail.com
    Baru visit this page, guess by end of the day i'll browse all.

  26. Tok Ngah,
    Wow! it's good to hear from you. I heard from Ani and Babee about the get together. Pls let me know and of course i'll join in, by hook or by crook. Of course these grandmas will want to meet the long lost grandpas right? Teringat kisah lama...

    Mus has already retired since last year and now a con-man, i mean, doing part-time consulting he he. I'm retiring soon too...

    Drop me a comment and keep in touch.
