“There is no moment of delight in any pilgrimage like the beginning of it...”
6 Sep 2006 (Wednesday)
"Ya Allah,
we seek virtue and piety from You
in this journey of ours
and the act which pleases You.
Lighten this journey of ours

Eight of us departed from KLIA at 0055. Transited in Dubai for 4 hours. Departed for Jeddah at 0800. Ustaz Shamsul Bahari, from Triways Travel was already waiting for us. Took a van to Madinah and reached the holy city after Asar. Checked-in at Madinah Hilton Hotel. Went to Masjid Nabawi for Magrib and Isya' prayers.

7 Sep 2006 (Thursday)
(Madinah Al-Munawwarrah)

After the Subuh prayer, got ready for ziarah at historical places around Madinah. Visited Masjid Quba’, Masjid Qiblatain, Masjid 7, Jabal Uhud and the Tamar Souk. All along the journey, we were enlightened with interesting stories and tazkirah by Ustaz Shamsul. After the ziarah, visited makam Rasulullah to say salam from family and friends.
"Salaam upon you Ya Rasulullah
from me and from the one who has requested me
to convey Salaams to you."

At the Raudhah recited the dua'.
"Ya Allah,
fulfill our needs,
and make our affairs easy,
and open our hearts
and accept our visit
and remove the fears
and grant us safety
and conceal our faults
and forgive our sins
and remove our difficulties
and let our end be with our good actions
and count us with Your pious servants
who do not fear or grieve by Your mercy..."
8 Sep 2006 (Friday)
(Madinah al-Munawwarah - Makkah al-Mukarramah)
(Madinah al-Munawwarah - Makkah al-Mukarramah)

After the Friday prayer, we doned our ihram and went for ziarah wida’ to bade goodbye to Rasulullah with a promise that we will come to visit again, Insya-Allah... Departed Madinah for Makkah at 1530 together with Ustaz Shamsul. Stopped to miqat at Bir Ali. Performed the sunnat-al-ihram, recited the dua' and talbiah.

"Ya Allah,
We intend to perform the Umrah,
render it easy for us, and accept it from us."
Reached Makkah at 2130 and checked-in Zahret Makkah Hotel. Had dinner and later entered Mesjid-el-Harram. With tears of longing, we entered and walked towards the kaabah...
"Ya Allah,
open for us the doors of Your mercies,
and make easy for us the means of livelihood"
Completed our 1st Umrah at 0100. Alhamdulillah... I thank Allah for allowing me to fulfill my promise to bring my two sisters to this Baitul-Haram.
9 Sep 2006 (Saturday)(Makkah al-Mukarramah)

After Subuh prayer and breakfast, we went to Tannaim for miqat.
"Ya Allah,
Give us contentment in that which You have provided for us
and bestow us with Barakat therein,
and be a successor of all whom we have left behind... "

Completed our 2nd umrah at 1000. After Asar went for shopping. Bought a few jubah, sejadah and other buah tangan. After dinner slept soundly after a good foot massage.
10 Sep 2006 (Sunday)
(Makkah al-Mukarramah)

After breakfast, went for ziarah to some historical places around Makkah. Visited Jabbal Thaur, Jabbal Rahmah, Mudzalifah and Minna. We did not have the opportunity to visit the Jamrats because of the on-going construction works. Miqat at Mesjid Ja’aranah.

"Ya Allah,
grant us goodnness in this world,
and goodness in the hereafter
and save us from the punishment of the fire..."
Completed our 3rd Umrah around 1230 and in time for solat Zuhur. Slept whole afternoon till Asar.
11 Sep 2006 (Monday)
(Makkah al-Mukarramah)

After breakfast, we took a van to Tannaim to miqat. Everytime we drink air zam-zam we recite the dua'
"Ya Allah,
We ask You for beneficial knowledge.
and abundance in provision,
and cure us from every ailment..."
Completed our 4th umrah around 1030. Went for a shopping spree after Asar prayer. Slept tightly at night.
12 Sep 2006 (Tuesday)
(Makkah - Hudaibiah)

After breakfast rented a van to go to Hudaibiah to miqat. Met the Imam of Mesjid Hudaibiah, a Malaysian from Melaka. On the way back stopped at a Camel Farm to drink and buy a few bottles of camel milk. Visited Makkah museum. Completed our 5th Umrah around 1230 in time for solat Zuhur.

"Ya Allah!
We ask You to exhalt our fame
and to ease us of our burdens,
to set right our affairs,
to purify our heart
and to appoint light in our grave,
to remit from us our sins
and to bestow unto us the highest of degrees in Paradise..."

Received sms from Linda who gave birth to a baby girl named Aqilah. Both mother and daughter are ok. Alhamdulillah...
(Makkah al-Mukarramah)

After breakfast took a van to Tannaim. Completed our 6th Umrah around 1030.
"Ya Allah!
Let not any of our sins go unfogiven,
nor any of our worries undispelled,
nor any of our needs unfulfilled.
Ease our task for us,
relieve our hearts and minds,
and end righteously our deeds..."
Slept till Zuhur. After Asar went to the bazaar for last minute shopping.
14 Sep 2006 (Thursday)
(Makkah - Jeddah)
After breakfast took a taxi to Tannaim to miqat for our 7th Umrah. After Solat Zuhur, performed the tawaf wida’ and recited the doa at the Multazzam.
set right for us our religion
which is the safeguard of our affairs.
And set right for us the affairs of our world
wherein is our living.
And set right for us our Hereafter
on which depends our after life.
And make the life for us
of abundance for every good
and make our death of comfort for us,
protecting us against every evil..."

After lunch packed our bags and departed Makkah for Jeddah. Visited the Mesjid Terapung at the Red Sea. Checked-in and had dinner at Jeddah Airport.
Our flight to Dubai was delayed for almost 2 hours. Although dead tired, everyone was excited and looking forward for our short holiday in Dubai and Abu Dhabi...
My Travelogue: munmus.blogspot.com
Welcome back and Salam Ramadhan to Kak Nong and family.
ReplyDeleteLove, AM
ReplyDeleteMarhaban Ramadhan. Semoga berada didalam kerahmatan Allah SWT.
Take care...
Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan buat kak Nong sekeluarga...
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah...segala perjalanan dipermudahkan Allah buat kak nong...Cantik2 gambar tu bagai menggamit sesiapa saja untuk ke sana...
K Lady,
ReplyDeleteAlhamdulillah, semua urusan di permudahkan. Memang betul, jika dah pergi sekali akan terpanggil untuk ke sana lagi. InsyaAllah...
Selamat beribadah puasa, semoga lebih baik dari tahun lalu...
selamat mennyambut bulan yg mulia akak n welcome back...semoga Allah menerima umrah akak n family...bestnmya tengok gambar yg akak snap... teringin la nak pi sana..
ReplyDeleteIt's good to be back. InsyaAllah, Allah SWT akan diperkenankan doa2 kita...
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan al-Mubarak.
selamat kembali dan selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan bersama keluarga..
ReplyDeleteSelamat menyambut Ramadhan dan selamat mengerjakan ibadah puasa. Moga kita berada dalam keampunan Allah SWT...
Kak Nong ... what a lovely visit. Welcome back and Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan. (p.s. My mother just left for umrah on Friday ... mesti seronok dapat experience puasa di sana).
ReplyDeleteSelamat menunai ibadah puasa. Memang a good experience berpuasa di tanah suci.
I’ve been twice during fasting month. Mencabar sungguh berpuasa dan mengerjakan umrah. Tapi bila masa berbuka di Mesjidul-haram meriah sungguh…