"The bad days make the good days better..."
(As big as a small crocodile) |
We visited our kebun Sg. Rambai only on weekends. So most of the time the chalet is left empty. Very often when we go back to our kebun, we’ll find other creatures making comfortable homes in our chalet. I don’t know what attracted them but we have bird nests on the roof and bee hives in the bathroom. We also find rats making their nests under the sink. We even have a couple of resident bats, looking after our chalet. We cleared nests and hives and they’ll be gone for a while, but a few days later, they’ll come again to take shelter and stay. After we spread sulphur and spray insecticide around the chalets, they stopped coming back.
But until recently…
We were rudely awakened by the noises in the attic. At first, we thought it must be some rats making their nests up there but when we went up to investigate, we found a pair of biawak (monitor lizards). No, not the big ugly ones like the komodo lizards but smaller. The easiest way to get rid of them is to kill them with something sharp but cold blooded murderers we are not! And on seeing us they fled speedily away.
We bought some eggs, made tiny holes and inserted some poison and left the eggs in the attic. Last weekend, we found one dead decomposing biawak. Another one to go… That evening we heard the other biawak searching the attic looking for his partner. When hubby went up to investigate, he shouted from the attic:
‘yang ini pun dah nak mati. Tak gerak2 pun. Nanti later I remove bila dia dah mati betul2…’
The rest of the day we did other chores and when it was nearing dark, hubby when up the attic to remove the dead biawak. To his surprise the biawak was no more there…