About Me

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I am married to my loving husband for more than 40 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Tuesday 10 March 2009

Our goldfishes are overweight...

"There are no hopeless situations; there are only men who have grown helpless about them.." -  Clare Boothe Luce ''

A few months back hubby bought a small aquarium and filled it with 4 cute little fancy goldfishes. It was fun to see them swimming gracefully in the aquarium. It was more fun to see them during feeding time as our four goldfishes would swim upside down and beg for food like puppies.'

When nobody is around at home my daughter, Sara, talks to the goldfishes as she feeds them. She said they understand people talk. We have been feeding the fishes too much. They have doubled their sizes and look lethargic and sick. They said that extreme overfeeding can actually be fatal to goldfishes, so we’ll need to starve them for a few days and get them back in shape…


  1. mak, kalo dah besar sgt ikan tu suruh abah pancing, kita makan jer.. buat 3 rasa.. nyum2!

  2. iwan,
    Boring la asik makan ikan 3 rasa jer. Mak ingat nak buat ikan bakar cicah dengan kicap he he...

  3. comel ikan2 ni..

    memang kak, towkey kat kedai kata, jangna feed banyak2..ikan ni akan makan sampai mati...main makan aje..tak kira...he..he..

  4. bulat2 gitew ikan mas nyer..k.nong dia bunting kot...hehehe

  5. Maklang,
    Selagi diberi makanan, tak berhenti dorang makan. Takut perut dorang meletup je. Itu nak paksa dorang puasa...


    Kalau bunting pun tak kan lama sangat. Tak beranak2 pun he he...

  6. kakNong, ikan mas mmg kena buncit! Ada manyak ong, maaa..!hahaha, tapi seriau gak ya nengok perut merening bulat gitu!

  7. baru baca blog iwan. Congratsss, nak timang cucu!

  8. nong, ikan tu buncit nye. memang la terlebih makan.
    I like to come here because i think i've found someone who's around my age.

    I'm going to be a grandma too in one month's time.

  9. kak nong,
    bukan saja kita ni yang mewah makan kat malaysia ni,ikan mas pun sama!

    Ikan tu macam kita gak...selagi boleh nak mengunyah jer..hahahaha

  10. dulu goldfish feveret DQ,sbb elmo's bestfren is the goldfish...skrang suka binatang lain lak.nnt ikan tu dan abis slimming prog dia,sis kene tunjuk pic dia tau..hehe

  11. Kak Nong,
    cutenya your goldfish..buncit-buncit tapi kesian la pulak nak kena puasa

  12. CikMilah,
    Kena bagi dia diet. Bila perut bulat gitu, berenang perut naik ke atas. Kesian dia...

    Yeay! Nak timang cucu! Itu lah masa ni pulak budak2 tu nak gi holiday kat LA. Dua2 tu hantu naik roller-coaster and rides. Biar Iwan naik rides sorang2, Ella duduk kat bawah tengok jer...


    Rasa2 nye I am older. Next year dah nak retire ni..

    Like me, you must be excited too nak become a grandma. Nanti kena share experience, maklum lah dah 30 tahun tak pegang baby he he…


    Memang tak henti mengunyah. Kalau lalu sebelah aquarium tu, pandai buat muka sedey, mulut cungap2 kelaparan he he …


    2-3 hari ni tengah buat slimming program, so tak lama lagi back in shape lah ikan2 tu. Masa the kids were small dorang bela turtle. Bila dah besar macam kuali tu kak nong suruh lepas kat tasik titiwangsa, menitik air mata dorang tu…


    Kejap je sue, orang kedai tu dah pesan jangan sampai mati kekenyangan he he...

  13. Kak Nong...the goldfishes are so cute...

    Dulu masa anie pelihara ikan kat rumah mertua...tuan punya kedai ikan pun ada cakap...jgn overfed them...& diorang pun takkan mati kalau tak diberi makan 2-3 days...

    Melihat ikan2 berenang dlm akuarium tu boleh menenangkan jiwa...

  14. salam

    mang cute :-)
    aquarium setup pun cantik :-)

  15. in my household, i have no pets..the only thing that is overweight is ME!

  16. salam nong and thank you for coming to my daily happenings too...I link you ye?

  17. Anie,
    Kalau tak buat apa2 kak nong suka perhati ikan2 tu berenang. Boleh tenangkan fikiran yang berserabut


    Before, cute and active 
    Now, fat and sluggish 


    Itu yang susah hati ni. I can discipline my fishes to diet but I myself find it difficult to maintain my weight… he he..


    Kak Elle,
    Salam & welcome...

  18. They are beautiful. I remember when I was little. We took off for holiday somewhere and the driver overfed the fishes. The water got cloudy. My father had to roll up his sleeves and clear the tank. Can't remember how long the fishes survived after that though.

  19. Hazia,
    Goldfishes ni manja sikit. Water must be clean all the time if not susceptible to infections.

    I know they are sick when they shake their bodies,scratch against objects in the tank and swim abnormally tak tentu hala...

  20. புது விளையாட்டு!
    தொப்புலிள் பம்பரம் விடுவது:
    தேவையான பொருட்கள்
    அரை /அல்லது முக்கால் கிழம்
    பழய பம்பரம்
    பழய அரை ஙான் கவுறு
    னாட்டு/வெளினாட்டு சரக்கு

  21. Ttpian,
    Laaa... kalo bahasa arab tu boleh ler terjamah sikit2...

    Who is playing top on someone's belly button?
