About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Saturday 21 November 2009

Sara & Fitri engagement day...

“A good relationship is where both people feel like they're getting the better end of the deal.."

(Signage at the Reception Hall)

Today was a special day for my daughter Sara. It was a special occasion too for me and dear hubby, as we look forward to marrying off our one and only daughter to someone she loves.

The engagement ceremony was held at Hotel Singgahsana in PJ and attended by close family and friends.
(Pelamin menyarung cincin and hantaran)
(Tepak Sirih & Cincin/duit tanda pertunangan)
(Wakil kedua pihak menyampai hajat)
(Sara - pretty and happy)
(Happy couple - the new beginning)
(Our beloved children: Iwan, Ella, Sara and Fitri))
(New and old couples)
(The apples of my eyes - Sara and her brother, Iwan)

Alhamdulillah... Majlis pertunangan Sara and Fitri went smoothly as planned. As you take the first step of a committed relationship today, we wish both of you happiness, prosperity and love.


  1. Tahniah kak Nong dan abang Mus..tak lama lagi dapat menantu baru...

    To Sara n Fitri...
    Jangan tunggu lama lama..(ikut lagu sweet charity tu)

    Bila hari besar nya kak?

  2. Ezzah,
    TQ for the wishes...

    Dorang bertunang tak lama, kalau boleh hari tu nak suruh nikah langsung... he he...

    InsyaAllah, the wedding reception will be on Sara's birthday i.e. 17 April 2010...

  3. congratulations Aunty!

  4. Izyan,
    Thanks dear. We missed u that day!

  5. Tahniah Sara & Fitri...tahniah Kak Nong & Abang Mus...

    Patut la blog akak senyap je.. rupanya bersiap-siap utk sambut menantu...:)

    Oh ya, Iwan dgn rambut panjang tu ada iras Faizal Tahir ya...

    ishh...membebel lak makcik ni... hehee

  6. Assalamualaikum,

    Belum nikah, tak elok lah dah bersanding macam tu.

  7. Cik Milah,
    Terima kasih.. kak nong senyap tak update blog bukan busy pasal sara nak bertunang, tapi busy pasal kerja... tak habis2

    Majlis sara tu outsourced pada hotel jer, senang kerja!

  8. Anon,
    dorang tu bukan bersanding... just getting ready for family photo session later after....

  9. I missed several of ur postings.
    Happy belated birthday kak nong...

  10. Madam,

    Thank you.

    Been busy and have not been updating. Another year passed and we're getting older, hopefully wiser....

    Take care.

  11. Salam Nong,

    Lama kak tak dtg blog nong..

    Tahniah pada hari ulang tahun kelahiran Nong (lambat ucap.

    Bagiamana ttg slipped disc.. harap2 dah sembuh.

    Tahniah kpd nong sekeluarga yang bahagia, slmt bertunang kpd sara..

    Semoga semuanya baik dalam pemeliharaan allah swt.. Amin.

  12. Salam Kak Mun,

    Tahniah pada Sara & Fitri
    Tahniah juga pada Kak Mun & Abg. Mus... wahhh lepas ni bertambahlah ahli keluarga...
    The more the merrier...


  13. Kak Werdah,
    Terima kasih kak. Saya pun lama tak jenguk blog akak.

    Sekali sekali datang jugak sakit belakang tapi bearable...

    TQ for the wishes. InsayaAllah, bertambah cucu kak mun next year... ha ha...

  14. Beautiful,
    Thanks a plenty.

    My arabic is a little rusty!

  15. Congrats for the couple and their parents.

    And better start working on the wedding. No big deal though ; just get a wedding planner.

  16. Tok ngah,
    We'll let them handle this themselves...

    We'll provide the cash! he he...

  17. Kak...mungkin masih belum terlewat untuk mengucapkan Tahniah buat Sara & Fitri...semoga akan ke jinjang pelamin tak lama lagi...

  18. Anie,
    InsyaAllah, kalau ikutkan nak suruh nikah terus...he he...

    Will let you all know when we confirmed the date of the kenduri.

  19. Tahniah Kak Nong!
    Tahniah juga buat pasangan bakal pengantin.

    Salam :)

  20. B Rampai,
    thank you...happy and sad to let her go...

  21. Kak NOng,

    I missed this entry... congratulations to sara and to kak nong yang akan menerima menantu

  22. Ummi,
    Thank you...
    Majlis perkahwinan dah tak lama lagi. Mak Abah nye relax jer... he he...
