About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Thursday, 5 October 2006

Berbuka Puasa @ haunted the Penthouse...

"Fear and love are the deepest of human emotions..." Donnie Darko

All these years, somehow or other I managed to join the ladies in the Majlis Berbuka Puasa Puspanita. This year, Sara is joining me.

The AJK has selected the venue at the Penthouse in Block C instead of the Café. The choice might not be the best location, but judging from the status of some of the guests, it is decent and respectable enough for me. Tonight we have invited the DG’s and AG’s wives and all the Lady Directors. We have also invited Ustazah Kalsom to deliver a short ceramah and later lead us in solat tarawih.

The Penthouse is fairly large and spacious enough to cater for the majlis, generously furnished and with very airy living and dining rooms. Recently they have renovated and covered the balcony with tall glass windows with scenic views of the Royal Selangor Club and the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. The 3 bedrooms used to cater for those who had to stay back at night to finish work. This usually happened when we need to finalise the annual accounts at the end of the year. Those days, no one will want to spend the night in the bedrooms in the penthouse, except only the brave and the daring. The rest, including me, will find comfort to sleep on the floor next to our work place. Those days, we spent the New Year’s eve banging on our calculators to balance our journals to the last cents. Computers were never heard of during my early years in the organization!

In the early 80’s, the Penthouse was occupied by a caretaker who took care and maintained the place well. Later when the caretaker retired, no one was hired to replace him. The Penthouse was left empty. Once in a while, the cleaners will clean up the place. And once in a while there will be requests for the Penthouse to be opened for a certain function. We heard that the penthouse is haunted. We heard so many ghost stories and eerie experiences from those who’d stayed the nights there.

Ghosts or no ghosts, the Majlis Berbuka Puasa went pretty well.


  1. You relate the story beutifully...I did'nt know that you were good at it..or may be I wasn't interested enough to know how good you were at your studies ... I'm the capra one..from our long days on the tree in Kijang Kem.
    So the penthouse is haunted...hemmm..we the big five should investigate..miss the old time...my love to Sara for being so tolerant and patience when we started talking about our old days...pity her..

  2. Those were just stories for us to ponder. And yet the story of us on the tree top at Kem Kijang is still vivid in my mind. Do you still remember when our troop had to walk miles from the camp to PCB? Where Nik kama hurt her eye swollen, when trying to show off her summersault? Where you sprained your ankle trying to jump from the top of the tree and ‘Pokcik’ had to come to the rescue?

    If I’ve the chance to go back into time, I would’ve chosen those times we spent together with the gang.

    When life is so simple and sweet.

  3. Hai Kak nong...cerita2 seram memang selalu kita dengar kalau rumah2 besar yang sering dikosongkan dan digunakan hanya untuk acara2 tertentu...

    Lama tak menyinggah kemari byk jugak entries yang teringgal...

    Dah siap ke persiapan untuk beraya kak Nong..?

  4. Penthouse tu memang notorious dengan cerita2 hantu. Dengar2 cerita tapak bangunan ni bekas kubur, tempat jin bertendang :)

    Persiapan raya simple je. Tempah baju sehelai dua sorang dah cukup meriah tu. Kueh-mueh kita tempah je...

  5. setakat ni tak sempat lagi nak berbuka di luar.. walaupun dah ada beberapa jemputan tapi terpaksa di tolak..

    minggu depan ni dah ada yg menjemput.. entah kenapa malas pulak nak berbuka kat luar..

  6. Zino,
    Nong pun bukan suka sangat nak terima jemputan berbuka di hotel2 tu.

    Makan tak seberapa tapi letihnye lebih...

  7. Azer,
    Apa yang good nye tu. Tak lah sebagus penggubah lagu ye!

  8. since a few are at it..how i wish i can write as eloquent as you. very interesting read and experience. selamat berbuka.

  9. Kunci,
    I see things as they are with a little bit of candor. My writing is about my life experience.

    Selamat berbuka. cup cakes?

  10. bagaimana persiapan utk menyambut aidil fitri nanti? beraya kat mana nanti tu..

  11. Zino,
    Emmm... sekarang ni kerja di ofis terlalu banyak, tak sempat untuk memikirkan persiapan untuk raya.

    Baju raya yang ditempah belum ambil lagi, kueh raya yang ditempah belum terima lagi.

    .. he he ..
