About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Monday, 2 October 2006

The Bentong Court Case...

"They say we learn more from losing than from winning..."

Any of you who have been to a court of law, be it high, middle or low – either as plaintiff or respondent, accused person, witness or defendant, learned lawyer or nosy observer – would not have failed to notice that the preliminaries are often long winded and not in any way related to the case.

And today I was subjected to these long winded preliminaries when I attended the court case in Bentong as an expert witness. After the oath or rather declaration to speak ‘the whole truth and nothing but the truth’, I gave my testimonials and was cross-examined by the Counsel. What irritated me most was when I have to repeat my statement every time before he could comprehend it completely. Even His Lordship took pity on me and a few times stopped the Counsel from asking the same questions over and over again. Either he’s hard of hearing or he was not paying attention. The statement which normally take an hour or two, lasted the whole morning and the court has to adjourn for lunch break.

I was lucky that I was seated in the witness box when I presented my analysis, whereas, the accused would be all the time standing in his ‘kandang’ and perspiring on his feet. Fancy the physical strain, especially on the calf muscles and the mental agony, particularly while at the tender mercies of the Counsel.

The drive back to KL was uninteresting and a few times I nearly dozed off at the steering wheel.


  1. i haven't been there and does not sound nice at all... erks... yikes

  2. teringat pulak cerita law sitcom kat dlm tv ...

    kak nong ni kerja apa sebenarnya akak? u mentioned a few times about courts bla bla bla...r u a lawyer or something?

  3. Azer,
    Lucky you. In court, even the witnesses will be interogated and drilled... berpeluh juga nak jawab.. he he

    I'm not a lawyer. But in my line of work, I'm an expert on something so I will be called to testify on barang kes.

  4. Assalamualaikum. I just saw ur umrah pics. Wow...I so wanna go there too.

    Selamat berpuasa!

  5. Very interesting to know a bit story in the court.

  6. Nong...
    Sorry for the long silence....
    family things..and I could't find time to see you in Your Reflection....beautiful pictures as usual...I keep some in our Gang Folder...

    What is this about court ?attendance..and all..??

    Miss you..but you miss him more..

  7. Kunci,
    W’salam. Kalau ada rezeki you’ll have the chance to visit the holy lands, insyaAllah…


    Lately I’ve bee subpoenaed several times. Most of the time, the case will be long-winded or postponed. But some of the time, OKT mengaku salah and I don’t need to testify, he he…

    p.s. OKT (Orang kena tuduh)


    B dear,
    It’s been a while… I miss u too. Been busy myself. With work, what else. I hope everything is ok now. I’m doing ok, but the heart is heavy when he’s away...

    p.s. My kisses to the kids (and the kittens too)

  8. kak nong punya citer ni mcm Judging Amy pulak, love that court drama :-)

  9. Sue,
    Jadi expert witness ni interesting jugak. Tapi kadang2 penat nak explain technical terms pada yang tak berapa arif.
