About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Perak - Another subpoena in Ipoh…

“He who returns from a journey is not the same as he who left...”

Tuesday was also packed with meetings in the office. After office, packed some clothes and drove to Ipoh and checked in Syuen Hotel . Next day, in the Ipoh Magistrate Court I was again seated in the kandang saksi to testify and will be called again in July for cross examination...
Penang trip - Laksa and Pasembor…
"We don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change..."
The court proceeding in Ipoh ended late. We drove to Penang and checked in Gurney Hotel and rested well for Thursday I had a long day with the auditors at our branch.

Friday and Saturday were spent in the chalet at Batu Feringgi. Pampered ourselves with nasi kandar and pasembor, a round of foot reflexology and watched 2 movies, ‘Angels and Demons’ and ‘Terminator – Salvation’.
On the way back to KL, stopped at our besan’s house in Sri Iskandar for tea.

Saturday, 23 May 2009

Johor - From Bangi to JB...

“You can go through life and make new friends every year but there was never any substitute for those friendships of childhood that survive into adult years..."

(Ezzah, Kak Pah, Pb and me...)

On the way to JB we stopped at Kak Pah’s house for kenduri aqiqah for her cucu and her daughter’s bertunang in Bandar Baru Bangi. We met up with Ezzah and hubby and pB and kids too. We reached JB just in time for the annual dinner. Whole day Sunday was spent in Singapore for some shopping but the weather was too hot for comfort.
Monday was packed with meetings and briefings by the branch team. We started back to KL after 6 pm and reached KL before midnight.

Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Johor - Laksa johor… yum yum

“The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends...” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Just came back from Kuching and already knee-deep in work and the boss is conveniently away on holiday!
This coming weekend, again I will accompany the big boss to our JB branch annual dinner. The small boss and the other deputy are tagging along too. Most probably we’ll need to stay till Monday for we need to attend a few meetings with the branch team.
The theme for the annual dinner is green and I do not have the time to look for green dress. Mentang-mentang dah hujan dua tiga hari ni, dah nampak hijau sikit dunia ni..

'Each of us is like one drop of rain,
A single splatter on the thirsty sand.
Remember, though, that drops fall not alone,
a grand harmony that waters the plain.
'Do not think, then,
that you're on your own,
A tiny drop upon a dying land.
But you are a storm,
whose green fields will remain.

© by Nick Gordon

Thursday, 14 May 2009

Serawak - Kuching trip, miow miow...

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love...” - Ernest Hemingway

(View from my hotel room...)

This afternoon I will be flying to Kuching.

I will be accompanying the big boss for the branch’s Annual Dinner. The dinner is on Saturday night but we’ll have a meeting with the branch team on Friday morning followed by lunch with the staff. Early Saturday morning, the branch Manager is going to drive us to Sarikin, a border town for a shopping spree.

Unlike other trips, dear hubby will not be accompanying me this time around.

Life is so short,
so fast the lone hours fly,

We ought to be together,
you and I…

~Henry Alford~

p.s. I am going to miss you, yang… '

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

We sweat buckets...

"Sometimes when I am angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel..."

It has been very hot for the past few weeks. In the kebun, the ground was cracking dry, even the water level in the well has been receding fast and we could see the sand at the bottom.

Back home the aircon was put at full blast all day long. Even sleeping at night was stressful as the body is not adjusting well to the heat. According to the weather forecast, this period of extremely hot weather is not over yet and will continue if it does not rain very soon....

They said that sweating is good to cool down the body, so tonight we decided to go to the gym to sweat it out for an hour on the thread-mill and lose some calories. Later we had a hearty dinner at the bowling café and gained back the calories that we just lost…. argh...

Friday, 8 May 2009

For All Moms...

Happy Mother’s Day
To all the Wonderful Women of this World

After we got married and were thinking of starting a family I thought it would be an easy decision. 

I never thought for a moment that motherhood would change my entire life. The physical wounds of child bearing had healed, but becoming a mother of three (now two) leaves me with an emotional wound so raw that I forever will be vulnerable. With these blessed gifts from Allah, no matter how many years I have invested in my career, I would drop everything without a moment's hesitation when they need me. I never regret being a mother. I wish my daughter and son could sense the bond they will feel with their children as I, with them.
Thank you God for I have accomplished my dreams, but I want to stay a little bit longer to watch my children accomplish theirs.

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Besar kepala monyet...

“You will lose what you value most, so treasure it while you can.” - Richelle Mead

(Buah durian besar kepala monyet)

Last Friday we went back to our kebun and spent the long weekend in our chalet to have a good rest of body and mind. The weather was unbearably hot during the day but there was heavy rainstorm all night long.

(Buah yang kecik ni boleh bertahan ke?)

The next morning we went to inspect our fruit orchards and saw many pre-mature durian fruits littered the ground around the trees and felt so disappointed. My abah used to tell me not to worry about this. He said that when the durian fruit is as big as the monkey’s head, it will be strong and will not drop easily. And will stay on the tree until it ripens.

(Tupai belum dapat bau lagi ni... Need to clear the creepers...)

InsyaAllah kalau menjadi buah2 tahun ni, boleh jamu satu kampung.. he he...