Happy Mother’s Day
To all the Wonderful Women of this World

After we got married and were thinking of starting a family I thought it would be an easy decision.
I never thought for a moment that motherhood would change my entire life. The physical wounds of child bearing had healed, but becoming a mother of three (now two) leaves me with an emotional wound so raw that I forever will be vulnerable. With these blessed gifts from Allah, no matter how many years I have invested in my career, I would drop everything without a moment's hesitation when they need me. I never regret being a mother. I wish my daughter and son could sense the bond they will feel with their children as I, with them.
Thank you God for I have accomplished my dreams, but I want to stay a little bit longer to watch my children accomplish theirs.
Selamat Hari Ibu Kak Nong...
ReplyDeleteSemuga kita dapat melihat anak cucu kita berkembang....
Happy mother's day Nong semoga apa yg di pinta di kalbulka olih Nya.
ReplyDeletei was so surprised dpt gift i forgot to wish happy mothers day too..
ReplyDeleteKak Nong,
ReplyDeleteHappy mother's day to you!
selamat hari ibu. Hari-hari hari ibu kan?
ReplyDeleteSelamat Hari Ibu untuk Ezzah juga...
Semoga anak2 kita juga dapat merasai menjadi ibu yang sentiasa disayangi anak2…
You must have miss Hakim like I miss my Ja…
Kak Elle,
Happy mother's day to you too kak…
You must be a wonderful ibu to all your many many children…
Happy mother’s day to you too. Hope you like the small gift.
My original plan was to present one biscuit hamper to my former secretary but I ended up giving a piece each to all the ladies in the department. Nasib baik cukup, kalau tidak ada yang merajuk. They said your handicraft is cute and pretty. They like v much...
ReplyDeleteHappy mother's day to you too!
I agree with you. We, mothers, should celebrate mother’s day every day…
That is what my emak used to tell me. He he…
Hello Nong, A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.
ReplyDeleteAnd being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs in my field, since the payment is pure love.
Have fun with your kids...
Their Mom is a never ending song in their heart of comfort, happiness and being.
They may sometimes forget the words, but they will always remember the tune.
And one good mother is worth a hundred chegus.
Have a pleasant weekend, Nong.
Bila ada senang, pop over ke pondok saya, have something interesting for you...re you and family. Lee.
K nong,happy mother's day to you.When our children show excellence,achievements,happiness we forget all the sacrifice,worries ,endurance that we once went through all because of them..
ReplyDeleteSegala kelukaan kesakitan terlupa semuanya.
Semuga mereka menjadi anak-anak yang sentiasa diberi hidayah oleh yang maha esa.
selamat hari ibu kepada semua ibu2 yg hebat2.. semuga terus hebat sebagai ibu..
ReplyDeleteHappy Mother's Day to a wonderful and beautiful mother ... Kak Nong!
ReplyDeleteSalam :)
ReplyDeleteSusoh mu nok jadi ibu.....tapi mu lalu jugok denge taboh hati.....
Dapat 3 ore anok..alhamduillah bagus-bagus belako.....hok satu..Allah simpan doh...nak buat saing mu nanti.....
Selamat menyambut Hari Ibu buat ibu-ibu sekelian, muga-muga di rahmati Allah all thru the way.....
selamat hari Ibu kak Nong...:)
ReplyDeletei have 2 mothers where one is a step mother ... actually nearly 2 step mothers bcos 5 years ago my dad nearly married a 19-year old chick ... whoaaaa ... hahahahaha ... too bad dad ... haha
ReplyDeleteonly one mother-in-law so far unlike my brother who has 3 ... what a guy
newayz ... Happy Mother's Day
I have 5 kids and I don't think I can fully define motherhood.
happy mother's day akak...!!! i am sure u were celebrated like a queen by ur children ...take care :0)
ReplyDeleteA mother’s sacrifice is priceless.
A mother holds their children’s hands during their tender years but will hold their hearts forever.
Yes, will singgah at your pondok. A lot of interesting stories and treasures there…
So very true. I have seen my mom going through the hardship in life just to feed and provide us with education. And just look at her face beaming with pride when we pass exams and later succeed in our life.
That’s all she wants from her children and she never asks for more…
Selamat hari ibu untuk Mem jugak ye… Kami ingin menjadi ibu2 yg sentiasa hebat untuk anak2 ..
B Rampai
Happy mother’s day to all the wonderful and beautiful women in this world…
regardless whether you are already a mother or not yet one, may be one day. he he… )
I went tru’ difficult pregnancies for all my children, after all that complications, Allah took one away from me and I redha and tabah…
Alhamdulillah Bee, anak2 dah besar2and on their own and they will go tru’ the same process of heartaches and worries, happiness and pride.
You are going through the same thing with your children and you are one strong mother too…
InsyaAllah, there will be ganjaran for us later…
Selamat hari Ibu to you too...
Semoga pengorbanan kita ikhlas and will get the appreciation we deserve...
Step mothers are also our mother too… Tapi kalau yang muda tu kena panggil emak jugak ke? He he...
My grand-pa got 4 at one time and living in the same house but different quarters. Even the siblings could’t identify their own mother, some gave birth at almost the same time and menyusu with any ibu they like…
Ask the wife on motherhood and she will narrate you 1001 stories…
happy mother's day to you too...
This mother’s day was celebrated in my kebun with hubby. When we came home there were flowers and beautiful card on the bed for me … yeay!
Happy mother's day, Kak Nong:)
ReplyDeleteThank you dear... Being a mother is a full time job... and her love is unconditional...
It's a day late, buat a great grandmama will stay great.
ReplyDeleteDon't a Mr Mama deserve a wish too? Poor me.
Tok Ngah,
ReplyDeleteIt's never too late as Mother's Day is celebrated everyday...
A Mr Mama deserve a wish too but later ok...
Sebenarnya I terkejut berok going thru yr entries. It can't be the Nong that I knew.
ReplyDeleteMacam mana this tough tomboy boleh transform into such a romantic lady. Ini mesti Mus punya kerja!
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ReplyDeleteTok Ngah,
ReplyDeleteMus tersenyum lebar from ear-to-ear bila baca comment you ni... he he...
Nasib i changed into a better person kan... kalau tak dia pun tak nak dekat dgn i.
salam k.Nong...Selamat Hari Ibu...
ReplyDeleteW’salam, Selamat hari Ibu untuk ainaa juga. Semoga menjadi seorang ibu yang disanjungi dan disayangi oleh anak2…
My hugs to little ain…