“The man of knowledge must be able not only to love his enemies but also to hate his friends...” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Just came back from Kuching and already knee-deep in work and the boss is conveniently away on holiday!
This coming weekend, again I will accompany the big boss to our JB branch annual dinner. The small boss and the other deputy are tagging along too. Most probably we’ll need to stay till Monday for we need to attend a few meetings with the branch team.
The theme for the annual dinner is green and I do not have the time to look for green dress. Mentang-mentang dah hujan dua tiga hari ni, dah nampak hijau sikit dunia ni..
'Each of us is like one drop of rain,
A single splatter on the thirsty sand.
Remember, though, that drops fall not alone,
a grand harmony that waters the plain.
'Do not think, then,
that you're on your own,
A tiny drop upon a dying land.
But you are a storm,
whose green fields will remain.
© by Nick Gordon
A single splatter on the thirsty sand.
Remember, though, that drops fall not alone,
a grand harmony that waters the plain.
'Do not think, then,
that you're on your own,
A tiny drop upon a dying land.
But you are a storm,
whose green fields will remain.
© by Nick Gordon
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ReplyDeletesorry tersalah delete my comments,you r very busy ,keje kan,padelah denge gaji maha, I ni dah nak pencen pun gaji not even one fifth of yours.Anyway boleh ko maghi kelate 6th June ni? Ajaklah abang Mus tu, boleh saing denge ore Klate.
ReplyDeleteLagi nok dekat pencen ni lagi banyak kerja. Kesian kat aku. Aku ingat boleh lah aku relax2 sikit. Gaji banyok pon, kalu belanjo hari-hari habih jugok...
Aku dah check calendar. InsyaAllah aku and abg mus will go to your kenduri, nok jumpo saing2 lain. Ajak lah babee and kid, ubai I’m sure will be there. kita gather kat rumoh mu ramai2. Mu ajak lah the grandpapas too. Bagi aku alamat, kalu buleh dgn map sekali. Aku tok ingat doh lagu mano nok gi rumoh mu ….
Harap2 aku tak di suruh accompany boss ke mana2 time tu!
ReplyDeleteKak Elle,
ReplyDeleteKalau gi official trip ni susah sikit nak melencong ke tempat lain. Maybe next time when we travel on our own leisure trip boleh menjengah kak elle di sana… he he…
When I browse through my calendar, I will be on the move almost every weekend till end of June.
dari kucing ke JB ya... masa zino walkabout semalam kawan nong tu ambil video..
ReplyDeleteHmm JB. Tempat yang nostalgik.
ReplyDeleteTak penat ke nong...
K nong,dress yg wona ijau dlm gambo tu sgt sesuai pakai untuk dinner tu..baru meletup hi..hi..
ReplyDeleteTak sangka k nong boleh kecek kelate de.Kalo nak maghi ,boleh ambo jumpa k nong..
ReplyDeleteNanti dari JB ke tempat lain pulak. Zino walkabout kat mana, nampak kawan kita tu...
Penat tu penat jugak, lagi2 dah tak berapa muda ni. Badan dah tak lasak macam dulu lagi.
Tak sabar nak retire and have all the time in the world to do anything we like...
Masa muda2 dulu kalau ada dinner or nak gi party, kita orang pakai baju ala-ala macam tu lah. Yang daring sikit pakai strapless or bare-back. Kalau i cerita pada anak2, dorang tak caya! Tapi itu zaman jahiliah dulu...he he...
kak nong habiskan masa persekolahan di kota bharu, itu yang boleh kecek kelate. I am more of a kelantanese than orang melaka! Bagi lah nombor hp buleh kito contact bilo sampai kb nanti...
I will sent you the wedding card,kalu kalu mu jadi mari,Babee aku ajok doh ,members lain kalu jupo tolong ajok deh?
ReplyDeletethe picture crops up ... fantastic view from behind ... hehe
ReplyDeletekakNong, pakai je hitam dan cari tudung hijau.. I selalu trick macam tu kalau majlis ada theme color..haha,
ReplyDeleteOww.. itu laksa johor bikin saya laprrrrr...
ReplyDeleteKalu ada invitation card tu lagi baik, need the alamat and peta. Sedih ubai will not be in KB that time. Babee pulok tak sure lagi. I have sent sms to the rest of the geng kat sini, like adilah, nik fauziah, nik aminah, nashidah, rozimah and dll yang kenal kita…
mana lah tau musim cuti sekolah ni dorang balik kampong, boleh jumpa kat sana…
Fantastic views from the front too, if you let imagination runs (wild?).
Those were the days when our sexy butts command a second look from men, young and old... he he… When asked hubby, his answer - “still sexy laa…”
cik milah,
Good idea pakai baju hitam dan tudung hijau.. Baju hitam kak nong ada banyak, just nak cari tudung hijau je, senang tu…
Kak nong memang suka laksa, serawak ke, penang ke, johor ke. Tapi laksa kelantan yang kak nong best sekali, gaul dengan belacan bakar... eee..
ReplyDeletetravel merata yg best ni..accompany boss pun tak pa..
ReplyDeleteKak nong prefer kalau travel on our own.
Tak lah tension sangat macam travel on official trip dengan boss. Banyak protocol and we do not have our own free time to go gallivanting or jalan-jalan cari makan...
salam perkenalan...
ReplyDeleteSalam perkenalan. Life can be complicated at times. Take care!
Kak Nong,
ReplyDeleteI love laksa Johor....
Enjoy yr dinner!
ReplyDeleteSaturday night is the dinner but i have whole sunday with the boss cos' we are staying until monday for some meetings... hu hu...
Kak...tak sempat nak rehat lagik dah...kalau anie lah...weekdays yang memenatkan akan dihabiskan dengan melepak depan TV pada hujung minggu..
ReplyDeleteAkak ni...kejap terbang sana...pastu dah kat sini plak...pastu dgr dah ke sinun...hehehe
bestnyerr jalan jalannns.. ghiteww
ReplyDeleteNext week lagi full calendar kak nong. Lepas JB balik kerja satu hari pastu gi Ipoh ada court case, then terus ke Penang ada audit meeting kat branch. Week after nak gi KB pulak ada old schoolmates gathering. Boleh pengsan dibuatnye…
After this I am going for a long holiday, yeay!
Tak best sangat kalau official trip. Yang best kalau jalan2 bercuti, tak yah fakir pasal kerja… he he…
ok kak nong, how many branches do you have? kalau attend all branches punya annual dinner, boleh la pulun all the local specials!
ReplyDeletesampai johor tak makan lontong, mee rebus and soto sekali ka? :)
ReplyDeleteWe have 6 branches jer… Previous years I will join annual dinner for 3 branches, my boss will take up the rest. Tapi this year is our 50th anniversary, pergi ramai2 nak meriahkan majlis. The branch pulak tension giler, pasal dorang kena brief us on branch initiatives and future direction… Besides annual dinners, I will go to the branches for surprise visits, stock verifications and audit meetings too…
Pasal food tu, memang tak lepas peluang. Pulun habis! He he…
Nong, aku ni ore Johor..jugok.....
ReplyDeletelahir di Johor...all about Johor aku suko.....
tapi lakso Johor tak sempat makan....
Betol ko sedap?
I wish I could join you all back in Kelantan.....
Hello Nong, tada green, kuning pun boleh, ha ha.
ReplyDeleteAny color you will still look good.
Wa, ada big boss, small boss? Where do you come in? Boss tengah? Ha ha.
Have fun, Nong, and yes, I have tried that laksa before...
so many types la.
Ada laksa Penang, laksa Sarawak, JB, Kelantan, Malacca....Alor Star.
Right now da lama ta'makan, any laksa wll do, with lots of chillie padi.
You have fun, Nong, have a pleasant week, Lee.
ReplyDeleteYes, kita orang johor dan melaka but we are more of kelantanese right? Aku tak sempat merasa laksa johor bila di JB, balik office baru rasa laksa, sedap!
I wish you could join us in KB, too...
Uncle Lee,
I borrowed my daughter's green dress for the dinner :) In Malysia ni, we have so many types of laksa and all sedap2 semua.. he he..
Wah, lima wanita yang menarik perhatian dan tentunya yang hijau saya pandang lama sikit :D
ReplyDeleteLepas ni travel mana pulak? ...errr, menyibuknya saya!!
Salam Kak Nong :)
tema x semestinye ikut.. =)
ReplyDeletelamanya x jenguk blog ni..since our last meeting..:D anyway slamat bejalan ke jb kak Nong..have a nice one! take care..
ReplyDeleteExcellent post
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ReplyDeletesalam kak nong...thanks for dropping by my page.. semoga dieratkan silaturrahim... i nak link to your blog ye...thanks...
ReplyDeleteBunga Rampai,
ReplyDeleteHe he… berangan2 jika body kami masih dapat di maintain seperti lima wanita tersebut.
Baru saja balik dari Ipoh dan Penang. Next week ke KT dan KB, combine official dan leisure trip. InsyaAllah akan bercuti lama selepas itu…
Kalau tak ikut tema, mungkin akan nampak sumbang. Mereka2 ini serious dan akan compete antara branch untuk mendapat title best branch dinner...
Kak nong di JB sekejap je. Wish I can visit your parents there. InsyaAllah, next time when time permits…
Thanks for sharing. Others may want to refer too…
salam silaturrahim dari kak nong juga...