Tuesday was also packed with meetings in the office. After office, packed some clothes and drove to Ipoh and checked in Syuen Hotel . Next day, in the Ipoh Magistrate Court I was again seated in the kandang saksi to testify and will be called again in July for cross examination...
Penang trip - Laksa and Pasembor…
'"We don't have to change friends, if we understand that friends change..."
The court proceeding in Ipoh ended late. We drove to Penang and checked in Gurney Hotel and rested well for Thursday I had a long day with the auditors at our branch.

Friday and Saturday were spent in the chalet at Batu Feringgi. Pampered ourselves with nasi kandar and pasembor, a round of foot reflexology and watched 2 movies, ‘Angels and Demons’ and ‘Terminator – Salvation’.
On the way back to KL, stopped at our besan’s house in Sri Iskandar for tea.
patut lah lama tak online....kerja and travelling rupa nya..nasib baik ada supir yang setia....last year I pun ada buat urut kaki kat feringgi tu.....tapi tak sedap punnn.....sedap lagi kalau aziz yg picit..hahaha
ReplyDeleteaha.. dh lamer me tak pi penang noo..
ReplyDeleteNong not bad eh work and makan2 jauh2...
ReplyDeleteMacam mana nak online, siang malam kerja tau… Supir tu yg lebih excited kalau kak nong gi out-station, boleh dia jalan2 masa kak nong kerja... or gi swimming ke atau dia tido jer kat bilik hotel…
Kak nong pernah try reflexology kat batu feringgi tu pun tak sedap. Best lagi kat Reborn di Gurney Plaza, sampai terlena bila kena urut…
Nong selalu sangat pergi penang tu. Bulan ni jer dah 3 kali… kerja ye, bukan makan angin…
Kak Elle,
Pasal makan tu memang sedap lah kak elle, Pekena nasi kandar dengan pasembor dua tiga kali, naik penin kepala… Berat badan pun meningkat.. he he…
Hello Nong, wow! You in court? And at Batu Feringghi eating pasembur?
ReplyDeleteI really miss that!
Everytime I went to Penang old days, tentu pergi ke Gurney Drive and not one but dua pingan tu pasembur, ha ha.
Bila saya balek kampong one of this days, I will puasa first, then buka puasa at Gurney drive, ha ha.
You keep well Nong....by the way, saya suka your callsign, "Nong". sounds nice pronouncing it, ha ha. Lee.
pB pun dah lama tak jejak penang tu
ReplyDeleteUncle Lee,
ReplyDeleteYes, I still have a lot more outstanding cases. Maybe sampai pencen pun kena panggil masuk court… he he…
Dulu dulu, I love to go to the gerai2 along gurney drive to eat pasembor but nowadays the place is not as lively as it used to be… I love sotong kangkong and sotong bakar too…
Kak nong pernah gi meeting kat penang balik hari jer... tapi penat lah badan... he he
Salam Kak Nong..saja singgah masuk blog..hehe
ReplyDeleteW'salam, silakan masuk, rumah kak nong ni tak berkunci...
ReplyDeletenasib baik aku baru lepas makan
rojak pasembor mau tersemboq ayaq lioq aku... kejam sungguh
ReplyDeletememang hectic, tapi belum habis lagi tu. This Friday ke KT and KB pulak....
joke anak2 aku: jangan banyak sangat makan pasemboq tu, nanti malam bangun menyemboq... he he...
Salam K Nong, Kes apa ya K nong di court tu, sampai banyak sangat?k nong kena speed trap banyak ya? he..he..
ReplyDeleteWild guess..k nong kerja dibank negara ke?Kaum kerabat banyak kat situ.
Lagi satu kalau berbekwoh di kelate,call lah saya 0199587300.For now I m still in Muar.Be back in Kelate next week.
Have a sfe trip to KB.
ReplyDeleteKak nong gi court bukan kena saman pasal speed trap, tu senang bayar kat balai polis je… he he…
My court cases tu by virtue of me being an expert witness on counterfeits especially kalau ada tangkapan. Itu Bank Negara punya subject matter lah. Sape2 yang I kenal ke kat BNM ni?
Have a good holiday, will call when i am in KB, insyaAllah...
My bro in law,asrul,my cousin Sahara Hashim.Actually yg guess you kat BNM tu is my sis.She is with SEACEN, named Jamiah.
ReplyDeleteHi Nong, saya pun suka sotong kangkong and bakar.
ReplyDeleteMy isteri quite hesitant to bakar a sotong here, takut Mat Salleh phone the Fire Brigade complain of dead body somewhere, ha ha.
My favorite is that ikan goreng with sambal chillie stuffed inside....the smell or aroma alone boleh jadi mabuk.
Now you know why I had many Malay friends....I never say 'no' when invited for dinners, ha ha.
Love Malay cooking....should have married a Malay lady, ha ha. Lee.
ReplyDeleteWah, ramai jugak kaum kerabat you kat BNM ni ye. Kalau orang lama tu I kenal jugak. Tapi orang2 baru ni ramai yang come and go. Hasrul tu tak sure sangat tapi Sahara Hashim Jabatan consumer tu rasa macam kenal. Jamiah SEACEN tu pun quite familiar….
Uncle Lee,
Sama macam kat New York Apt, kalau nak goreng ikan masin kena buka tingkap, nanti ada orang complaint panggil CSI.. he he...
In Malaysia ni, food is abundance. You can have different dish each day of the year! Kalau you kawin Malay lady, you bukan boleh kawin satu, tapi can have 3 more… he he..