"Sometimes when I am angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel..."

It has been very hot for the past few weeks. In the kebun, the ground was cracking dry, even the water level in the well has been receding fast and we could see the sand at the bottom.
Back home the aircon was put at full blast all day long. Even sleeping at night was stressful as the body is not adjusting well to the heat. According to the weather forecast, this period of extremely hot weather is not over yet and will continue if it does not rain very soon....
They said that sweating is good to cool down the body, so tonight we decided to go to the gym to sweat it out for an hour on the thread-mill and lose some calories. Later we had a hearty dinner at the bowling café and gained back the calories that we just lost…. argh...
malam tadi ada hujan sikit.. tapi sekejap je...
ReplyDeleteBetul panas ke KakNong - I will be in KL this Fri-Sun; good to know that and would take a proper attire, especially for Ammer; dia cepat berpeluh dan naik ruam kalau panas...
ReplyDeleteTiap minggu ke you all pergi kebun. Will make a point to meet you there one of these days (or when the durians are ready for picking. Sg rambai tu dekat Broga ke.
ReplyDeleteAda hujan sekejap je, itu yang buat temperature naik lagi tu. Weather forecast kata hari ni 33 C tapi feels like 39 C.
Hari ni nampak mendung sikit, mungkin petang nanti hujan kut....
Panas sampai tak tahan nak keluar rumah. Be prepared. Malam tadi Ezzah YM, dia kata tak sanggup nak sapu sampah kat luar. Rumah kak nong yang pasang air-con pun, peluh mencurah2.
Kalau kat kampong dah berkemban jer ni... he he
Tok Ngah,
Kalau tak ada benda nak buat kat KL ni almost tiap minggu mus and I balik kebun. Lepak2 kat pondok tu macam org baru kawin je :) Datang lah jenguk bila musim buah nanti. Kalau tak dimakan tupai, ada lah rezeki tu…
Sg. Rambai tu kat Melaka sempadan Muar…
silly me. i just notice your blog tagline is "the other side of the moon" so i wonder are you a fan of Pink Floyd.
ReplyDeletei am one :-)
Oh kat sana panas ye?
ReplyDeleteIn the 70’s while others were dating and listening to pop music, my boyfriend and I were into Pink Floyds and the like. 'Dark Side of the Moon' was music for intense listening, especially when we were high with non-violent ideology and flower power. And for years I've been arguing that 'Dark Side of the Moon' is the best rock album ever…
I love Pink Floyds’ other albums too like 'Wish You Were Here', 'Animals', 'The Wall'.... I like David Gilmore most for his vocals and his guitar works. Back in campus I had a poster of him pasted on my locker. To me he is one of the greatest guitarists of all times.…
My tagline was changed from Eclipse of the Moon because 'The Dark Side of the Moon' was called 'Eclipse' when they first played it live…
Kak Elle,
ReplyDelete2-3 minggu ni panas sangat2 kat sini. Tadi ada hujan kejap, Nampak redup sikit cuaca. Harap2 hujan lagi, kesian tengok plant kat rumah tu, tak bermaya macam tuannye… he he…
Kak...tadi tengahari kat shah alam hujan...sejuk sikit bumi ni...alhamdulillah...kalau tak membahang panasnya...yang tak tahan tu lekit satu badan...
ReplyDeleteHeheheh...menambah kalori yang tak boleh nak elak tu...hehehe
Hot hot wave... alhamdullilah it rains a bit this afternoon...
ReplyDeleteKak nong pun lega bila hujan lebat sekejap tengahari tadi... nak tido malam pun tak selesa walau dalam bilik aircon. Macam dalam sauna.
Hot wave ni boleh buat kepala migrane... Satu dua hari ni dijangka isolated thunderstorm and rain. Sejuk sikit cuaca!
pokok bunga kpah dah mengerekot. Pagi siram petang siram. Hmm.. kesian.
ReplyDeleteharap panas sampai kepetang ghitewww.. ahaks
ReplyDeletekat rumah ni pokok tomato dan cili paling teruk, tak tersiram pagi petang. Kak nong nak cari self-watering gadget untuk pokok2 ni... senang sikit, kalau tinggal seminggu pun still ok…
Tak ku sangka, rupanye hutan di tengahari he he… Peribahasa paling sesuai untuk orang yang frust gagal dalam bercinta…
Laaa... hujan tu, bukan hutan... he he...
ReplyDeleteThe global warming is a reality and it takes a hot day to remind one of it. Those were the days when you can walk the long march from Kota Bharu to Kuala Krai (remember the Padang Pak Amat stretch?)or vice versa; or along the coast from PCB (used to be Beach of Passionate Love or Pantai Cinta Berahi when there was still a beach... Now it's a pile of rocks) down to Pantai Irama, Bachok and not wory about a heat stroke. Kebun is one way to preserve some greens but have mercy on the monkeys and squirrels - they too need to live....
ReplyDeleteYes, it’s no joke. In my work place, they have put up articles in the bulletin board reminding people of the heat wave and heat-related illnesses, heat exhaustion and heatstroke. The management must have lately seen reduction in productivity to show great concern for our health…
Those scout days when we used to march under the hot sun from Kem Kijang to PCB and back and never complained! And to earn some badges on the uniform, we were hiking (not hitch-hiking ye..) from KB to Kuala Krai, but cheated a little on the way back when the driver of a lori balak took a pity on us and gave us a lift (off the record ye…)
Of monkeys and squirrels, you better watch your backs for I will not tolerate you drool my durian fruits, even from far… i am serious!
We had abt two hours of rain at my place yesterday c/w thunder and storms. The branches of a 20y.o tree behind my house were twisted off the trunk, missing my dapur by inches. The MPKj guys came over to cut the fallen branches but left the mess behind. The back lane is still impassable. I don't have the means to do the job --- banyak dan besar2 lo. Furthermore the tree is not mine!
ReplyDeleteTok Ngah,
ReplyDeleteTu dia bila minta hujan terus ribut taufan… he he…
We had a few very old durian trees around the chalet in the kebun, waiting for time to topple down. Have asked mus to chop them down, but he said to let them be for sooner or later they will rot and fall. Tunggu lah nanti dah jatuh atas bubung tu baru tau!
ReplyDeleteCubaan di dunia panas betul rasa tak tertahan.....apelah lagi...kalu dah men - no -pause...
pulak..tak de air-con pulak tuuu...
heh! heh!
ishh maknenek ni, malam jumaat bukak cerita begini, macam mana man-nak-pause.....
ReplyDeleteIn life, we do cheat here and there. It's trade off. We don't have to lose our soul because of a lift on a lori balak.
ReplyDeleteOn reflection, it demonstrates that there is still (maybe I should put everything in the past tense but let's keep the optimism) hope in the human race. The driver takes pity in you hence the jolly ride.
It's a wonderful world after all...
Kem Kijang?? Aaahhh... Memories.. I'm glad I've lived through those more "primitive" days. It has helped developed us to face the harsh world later...
And shoot
Hey Nong..Harun ke..si Dreality tu....?
ReplyDeleteWow when he mentioned the walk from Kota Bharu to Kuala Krai ...I suddenly felt with nostalgic rush..and missing you all so much already ......those were my happy days....Scouts and (marine scout.mind yuh)the camping in Kijang Camp....
how we were cute looking before..now..50ish and not bad looking according to our own standard.....heh! heh1
No lah, Here's Harun. As for Dreality, make 2 guesses, you'll get it right on the first.
ReplyDeleteHow come man! you Tok Ngah?
ReplyDeleteNong tak warn pon.....
Aku 'teko tok betol.....
So who is Dreality then?......
Nong kalu mu tahu..woyat 'cepat
Harun.....dah jadi Tok Ngah ke....?
I dah jadi Tok Bee..lamaaaa dah....
ok Nong, in that case we have got to organise the gethering soon..before anyone of us ..pass away...crude eh..but it's reality.....betul Dreality?
ReplyDeleteWan Yunus Ke? Helmi ke?
Hai! yaaa don't keep me guessing..lah
Nong, aku keno gi doh.....belum breakfast..pukol 12 doh.....
ReplyDeleteok guys....nice hearing from all you...
nanti jumpa lagi di cyber space ..insyallah..kalu tak mati....
Tok Bee weh, tak payah la tanyo Nong, dia pong tok tau. Ramai mana sangat tok tok scout smkb tu. Mu tanyolah Dreality sendiri.
ReplyDeleteAbt the gathering, you all tentu lebih terror utk mengurus. Pasal tukang bayar, kita carilah yg kayaraya kayaraya tu. Aku tukang makan je. On grandpapas side - DrMatming, Dr WanYunus, Hasni, Abdul Woley, Wan Aziz Wan Mamat, Nik Munir, Nik Hamdi had agreed. Now tengah trekking for Jaafar, Dr Iskandar, Parawes (no problem here he's in Kajang)
Nong, since mu pon x tau....aku nok tanyo Tok Ngah Ron.....
ReplyDeleteDreality ni.....hai...nok kato tok keno.....
Anyway Ron....It's great that you managed to inform those guys....
Wonder how they all looked now...heh heh!..
Orang laki-laki lambat tua.....
beh lah dio....
It's one of the two that you mentioned. Try to recall their personalities, it'll be bulls eye.
ReplyDeleteBoth of them doesn't change much, dua2, badan steady lagi -- no spare tyre like me. But Yunus is sporting great hairdo - 100% white! You will recognise them immediatly, no hal.
Nong jgn marah, dah jadi mcm forum jejak kasih pula!
Nong sorry Nong..
ReplyDeleteBetol kato Tok Ngah..kuca mu punya forum....
I think it's Helmi.... betul ke Dr.? gulp!..
Dr. Wan Yunus..I never had the opportunity to get to know him better ..b'cos most of you guys were very shy..ones....
As for Dr. Helmi..also shy but...he use to give me booklets on Psychology, at that age....
maybe it's him...
Sorry you guys if i got you wrong...
hey magrib dah...bye!...
ReplyDeleteExcellent post