About Me

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I am married to my loving husband for more than 40 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Saturday 29 March 2014

Feeling tired...

"I have learned now that while those who speak about one's miseries usually hurt, those who keep silence hurt more..." - C.S. Lewis

I don’t get sick too often but I am feeling unsteady today...

I am on my second day of not being able to do anything. I am still having the chills and fever with all energy drained. I am feeling run down and sick. But at least whatsApp is a distraction, I have friends to moan to about how lousy I feel.

I am just going to stay hydrated, have to slow down a while until I feel better.


  1. Is it bcos you missed a ride iast weekend? Tok apo, sari dua lagi sega la tu. In sya allah.

  2. Tok Ngah,

    True enough. Too much rest makes the body lethargic. I am going to blame it to the weather too...

    We miss you in WhatsApp group lah... join lah balik.

  3. Salam kak Nong..sekali sekali bawak la motor beso sampai ke rumah kita ni ha....boleh kita makan makan..kat pondok saya ni....
    cuaca panas sangat kak..banyak kan minum air ..kirim salam pada abang Mus dan anak anak..

  4. Ezzah,

    Alhamdulilah.... dah sihat sikit. Banyak rehat kat rumah dua tiga hari ni.

    cuaca kejap panas kejap hujan... kaca pun boleh retak...

  5. jom kita briskwalk and stay hydrated

  6. Mak Su,

    Congratulations on your first novel... I wish you every success.

    Am feeling better now. But have not been doing any brisk walking lately...

