“Time unfolds beauty, wonder, and mystery to reveal the auspicious tapestry of life.”
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(A group photo with Imam Fitri) |
The observance of the birthday of the prophet Muhammad is
commemorated in Rabi’ul-awwal, the third month in the Islamic
As we are still in the month of Rabi’ul-awwal, Muslimat of Masjid Negara has organised a simple event to commemorate the birth of the
Prophet at our Masjid At-Tayyibin. On this auspicious day, which coincide with the
Muslimat Kahfi class we started the event with a short Maulidur Rasul tazkirah by Imam
Fitri followed by the recital of surah Al-Kahfi, tahlil dan doa selamat.
The event ended with the selawat and distribution of bunga
telur and packed food. Alhamdulillah...
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(Tazkirah by Imam Fitri) |
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(Recital of Al-Kahfi, Tahlil and doa selamat) |
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(Main prayer hall of Masjid At-Tayyibin) |
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(Pretty pastel coloured bunga telur) |
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