About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Thursday 14 May 2009

Serawak - Kuching trip, miow miow...

“Never go on trips with anyone you do not love...” - Ernest Hemingway

(View from my hotel room...)

This afternoon I will be flying to Kuching.

I will be accompanying the big boss for the branch’s Annual Dinner. The dinner is on Saturday night but we’ll have a meeting with the branch team on Friday morning followed by lunch with the staff. Early Saturday morning, the branch Manager is going to drive us to Sarikin, a border town for a shopping spree.

Unlike other trips, dear hubby will not be accompanying me this time around.

Life is so short,
so fast the lone hours fly,

We ought to be together,
you and I…

~Henry Alford~

p.s. I am going to miss you, yang… '


  1. enjoy your trip and shopping too:)

  2. kak nong

    masih loving loving lagi akak ni ya.....macam tu lah hendak nya....
    jangan lupa beli kucing yang besar tu kak

  3. nk ikuttt...hikss..k.Nong take care...

  4. bestnya situ...enjoy your trip.

  5. patut la td abah call iwan ajak teman gi kebun wiken ni.. takde member rupenye.. tp iwan plak keje. sian nnt abah boring. huhu!

  6. And I have just came back from Kuching.

    And it's hot there too....

  7. K Nong, jgn lupa bawa sekor kucing yg ada depan crown plaza hotel tu ya.
    Have a great time there!

  8. Menda la yg nak dishopkan lagi ...

  9. nak shopping apa tu... dah sedia kan container ke? hehe

  10. Hello Nong, have a good trip and stay, Godspeed...watch out for cats, Lee.

  11. I stayed at Tune Hotel on the second night of my stay. It's just across the road to Hilton. I just have to be close to the waterfront but all the other hotels within the area, including Harbour View was reportedly full. At least the ones within my budget laa - Suites ada....

    Its interesting how the Air Asia of stripping costs down to room and bed (inc light and shower plus ceiling fan) and all others as plus items. You have to pay xtra to purchase air-con time (it is hot there too, remember?) either at 12 hrs or 24; you pay for towels too... and toileteries..
    But of course, you did/do not not stay there; must be at Hilton, eh?

  12. Sekejap aje dah dengar akak kat Kucing...heheheh...

    Enjoy your trip kak...simpan rindu kat cik abang tu bila balik... :D

  13. I left Kucing in 1989.....and never went back again.....until now. I heard of the robust growth in Kucing..good for Kucing...
    During my stay ..it was still too idlelic..and not much happening..
    Now I have too many cats at home....

  14. sara,
    miow miow! Petang ni mak balik yeay! Mak beli batik jer...

    Kak Elle,
    Datang dgn big boss ni kena ikut mood dia. kalau dia gi shopping kita tumpang sekaki... he he

    makin tua makin sayang...

    jom ikut kalau nak next time. kak nong boleh dapat 75% off kalau booking hotel sini (staff price)... U take care too.

    banyak kerja kat sini, speech bertukar2 sampai last minute gitu...

    sian abah tak de partnet tu sebab ajak you all tu. Maybe next week mak takde lagi, kena gi JB pulak...huhu!

  15. dreality,
    I am staying at the Hilton. It's been raining since i came. But it was sunny when we were in Sarikin yesterday...

    tak sempat nak jalan2 bila datang dgn big boss ni. Kalau dia gi shopping kita tumpang sekaki lah...

    Tok Ngah,
    Takde apa yg nak di shopping pun. Tapi kalau perempuan bershopping, kedai2 pun nak angkut balik...

    Kalau excess bagage boleh tumpang consignment balik KL, naik kapal laut...

    It's a hectic one this time but i can manage...

    Tiga malam jer tak lama, tapi tak sabar nak balik ni...

    Every year i come here for baranch meeting ke. audit ke... macam tu gak. Ada lah perubahan sikit-sikit...

    makin tua makin romantic gitu :-)

  16. sayang laki tinggal2kan kannns.. amvoiii

  17. En me,
    Tinggal kan sekejap2 takpe kot... he he...

  18. pB,
    Apasal tak cakap awal-awal, boleh borong banyak2. Yang bawa balik satu kotak pun tak nampak habuk di kebas org kat ofis ni...

    Tapi klu mengidam tu cakap ler...

  19. Kak Nong,

    Enjot d miow miow trip!!

  20. Anggerik,
    I am back to work and preparing for my coming trip to JB. Belum sempat bernafas lagi ni, penat!...
