About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Friday 7 January 2011

Barrier of time...

"It was hardly surprising that their views would make any difference to me now..."

Today I met with my former colleagues, ex-bosses and ex-subordinates for lunch at Restaurant Muhibbah, a Chinese muslim eatery in Sri Penchala. 

While savoring our meals, there seemed to be two conversations going on simultaneously, as if we were in different worlds, living in different eras. We recalled the contrast in our practical and emotional experiences with the former management which I am more familiar with and the present one, and the more we shared, the further apart we seemed to get.

My mind, usually as calm as a lake, jumped around from memory to memory, recalling the many pleasures and pressures of my working life. These memories, reaching across the permeable barrier of time, had ensnared me in their web.

Suddenly, for a while, I miss my job and my friends…

(Buttered prawns - all time favorite dish)


  1. Zino,
    W'salam. Tak join Makcik bloggers meet kat the curve ke?

    Den sogan nak gi, ramai tak konal..
