"Those who attain to faith and do righteous deeds, the garden of paradise will be there to welcome them..." - Quran 18:107
(Forum Perdana Maulid Al-Habib) |
The 11th Maulid Al-Habib 1440H in conjunction with Majlis Sambutan Maulid Rasul was held at Masjid Al-Tayyibin, Taman Bidara Selayang.
The event started with the tahlil, wirid and tausiah before the Asar prayers and ended way after mid-night with the event finale of a Forum Perdana with the topic 'Kenali Kunci-Kunci Syurga'. The panel speakers were Syeikh Hafidz Bin Selamat, Habib Najdmuddin Othman AlKhereed and Ustaz Zul Ramli.
The event was full-house, attended by Muslimin, Muslimah and anak-anak tahfiz from far and near.
(The invitation to the event) |
(The burning of incense) |
(The line-up of Habibs with the jemaah) |
(Listening to the tausiah and tazkirah) |
(The Muslimah section in the mosque) |
(The Forum Perdana was held next to the mosque) |
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