About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Friday, 1 October 2010

You're a big girl now...

'I wish memories were like text messages so that I could delete the ones I don’t like..."

I was meaning to send sms to Iwan and Ella to wish Happy Birthday to Hana early in the morning yesterday...

I had a little lurch in my heart when late last night dear hubby asked whether I had wished happy birthday to our little grand-daughter. Hana is one year old yesterday and it became apparent that this grandmama forgot to wish her happy birthday.

So this is my greeting of love
And with it best wishes too
And I hope that your birthday
Is a happy one for you

In the years ahead I wish
Good things your days will bring
Health, happiness and good times
And the best of everything…


  1. Salam Kak Nong,
    Happy Birthday to little Hana...
    Semoga Allah sentiasa melimpahkan Rahmat dan HidayahNya ke atas Hana dan keluarga...


    p/s: my youngest daughter also named Hana' just celebrate her birthday 2 days ago, 29th September

  2. Azzah,
    What a happy coincidence!

    My belated birthday wish to your Hana too. Hope all her birthday dreams and wishes come true...

  3. sekejap jer dah setahun ya,...cepat nya masa berlalu...
    happy birthday baby hana...dari nenek ezza!

  4. Ezzah,
    Memang cepat masa berlalu. InsyaAllah, tak lama lagi giliran ezzah pulak menimang cucu.

    Welcome to the club.. he he...

  5. Happy belated birthday dear Hana.

    Comes December I'll be bestowed with a datukship, insyaallah.

    For me Aug to Dec is full of birthdays and anniversaries ... my anniversary, my birthday, and birthdays of kids/luv1.

  6. Tok Ngah,
    Thanks for the birthday wish and welcome to the gramps club.

    Congratulations for the many happy occasions...
