"Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck..."
(Nasik lemak with sambal paru) |
This morning we had breakfast at the famous Nasi Lemak Tanglin at Jalan Chenderasari near Taman Tasik Perdana.
It has been a long time since we visited this place. It used to be one of our favorite breakfast joint for quite a long time. It's always nice to eat here while reminiscing the good old times especially of our children schooldays. Back then, the nasi lemak stall was secluded, under the shelter of a big pokok saga somewhere near the existing food court.
(Nasi Lemak Tanglin Food Truck) |
The price of a plate of nasi lemak Tanglin has escalated steeply over the years. They have built permanent tents at the back to place more table and chairs to cater for customers. The place is livelier now, with life band playing oldies songs. Parking wise, still remains difficult as always as there are street vendors sprucing up, taking over some parking spaces.
To me the taste and flavor of the nasi lemak is just so-so. I would say that it is a little over rated. Although the ambiance is nice and cool the area is littered with rubbish. And the foul smell from the unattended dumb site at the back of the food court is overpowering.
(Tents under the shade of big trees) |
(A life band playing the oldies) |