"The best among you are those who bring greatest benefits to many others..."
(Old, dilapidated signage of the Madrasah) |
The Muslimah of Masjid At-Tayyibin had collected a modest amount of infaq to be donated to Madrasah Raudatul Ulum, in Ulu Rening, Batang Kali.
Five of us accompanied by my hubby drove in two cars to the madrasah on Sunday morning. We brought with us Nasi Arab ordered from Restaurant Hadramawt Bandar Baru Selayang enough to feed 70 adults.
(The small path leading to the Madrasah Raudatul Ulum) |
(The madrasah complex, hostel and classrooms) |
(A reminder signage before the entrance) |
Madrasah Raudatul Ulum is a madrasah branch of Darul Atiq specially to accommodate female students. The Madrasah is located at Ulu Rening, Batang Kali, Ulu Selangor. It is a modern tahfiz school founded in 1998 by Ustaz Hj. Ahmad Rizam Ghazali. The construction of madrasah buildings that can accommodate more than 100 students is from donations and public contributions.
(Meeting the students in the musolla) |
(Nashid performance by students and Ustazahs) |
(Ice-breaking session, getting to know the students) |
(A brief taklimat about the madrasah by Ustaz Nasrul) |
We arrived early and gathered at the musolla of the madrasah. As a welcoming gesture, we were entertained by a Nashid performance by the students. Later we listened to a short taklimat by Ustaz Nasrul, a brother in-law of Ustaz Rizam, who had other engagement out-station. After the taklimat we had lunch served in trays and later Ustaz Nasrul led the congregation for Zohor prayers.
We ended the visit by presenting our cash contribution to Ustaz Nasrul.
(A group photo with the students) |
(Kak Patimah presenting our humble contribution to Ustaz Nasrul) |
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