"Maybe Allah has a bigger plan for us than we had for ourselves..."

Ja was born at 8 p.m. on Christmas Eve of 1985. Ja was my youngest of 3 kids. His sister Sara is 3 years older than him and his brother Iwan is 2 years older. My pregnancy with Ja was difficult. The doctor informed me that this will be my last pregnancy as my womb will not stand any more pregnancies after this. Similar to my pregnancy with my second son, Iwan, I was made to rest in bed during most months. Towards the end of the pregnancy I was put under CRIB, Complete Rest In Bed. The doctor has to put the shirodkar suture to strengthen a weakened cervix and to avoid complication during pregnancy. I was bleeding heavily throughout. And throughout the pregnancy I prayed to Allah to save my baby. I prayed for no complications during delivery. And I prayed for my baby to be healthy and steer clear of deformities, physically and mentally. From Allah I asked for nothing more…
Ja was born a healthy boy. Although he was dark, not as cute as his brother, Iwan and not as fair as his sister, Sara, he was handsome and good-looking to my eyes. Being the youngest and knowing that I would not have a chance to have another baby, my attention to Ja was profuse. Compared to the other two, Ja needed more coaching in school. Unlike Sara and Iwan, who always top their classes, Ja would always be among the average. Although a little slow in his study, especially in maths, his English was excellent.
When Sara went to Sekolah Tun Fatimah in JB and a year later Iwan went to Sekolah Sains Taiping, Ja was alone at home with us. He joined Institut hafiz until Form 3 and managed to recite 5 juzu’ al-Quran during his stint there. Later he came back to KL and finished his Form 5 in Sekolah Menengah Ideal Height. Ja made friends easily. In school he was a favorite among school mates and teachers. During his short period of schooling in Selayang, he made a lot of friends and became very attached to his brotherhood.
On 19 March 2006, while riding on his motorbike with his brotherhood to go camping in Ulu Yam, my beloved Ja met with an accident. His friend riding on another bike died on the spot. Another sustained serious injuries. Ja passed away during a five-hour operation on the same day at the age of 20…
Today is the 100th day after that fateful day…
And my heart is still heavy with sorrow…
May Allah swt shower His Blessings on him.
ReplyDeletesemuga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya..
Kak Nong ... I am so sorry for your loss. The 20 years you had with him may seem such a short time but I am sure there are many beautiful memories that will make you smile when you recall them. I hope you will be strong and are comforted to know that he is now in a better place. I have lost a child, and although only a baby, I cherish her short presence in my life. And in 1991, I lost my youngest brother, then 15, also in a motorbike accident. I still miss him a lot and often wonder how he would have been as an adult. My mom speaks fondly of him and she has been very strong and very accepting of the loss.
ReplyDeleteAl-fatihah buat Ja dan semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya.
Annkay, Zino & Queen,
ReplyDelete20 years was a short time. I could still feel his small feet kicking in my womb…
I cherish those small daily happenings as beautiful memories that make his presence in my life so spectacular. I wish that I could have told Ja that I love him one more time before he passed away.
My heart hurts so much thinking of him. And I learned that love, not time, heals all my wounds…
All fatihah to Ja.
ReplyDeleteSesungguhnya apa yang berlaku semua kehendak Allah, dan kepada NYA lah kita akan kembali.
ReplyDelete*hugs*... thanks...
Semuga rohnya dicucuri rahmatNya....
ReplyDeleteAmin... Thanks Maklang.
ReplyDeleteNong, AlFatihah untuk arwah Ja, Semoga dia di tempatkan dengan roh orang2 yg soleh juga.
ReplyDeleteHigs to you.
Dear N,
ReplyDelete*Hugs* - Memories are all we have of those we've lost.
semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat
ReplyDeleteThanks dear Trav.
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ReplyDeleteNong...semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Ja...
ReplyDeleteSepanjang lady membaca cerita Nong tentang Ja...hati rasa sebak...mata lady digenangi air..kerana lady pun punya anak sebaya Ja...dan lady tau bagaimana perasaan Nong sekarang...kehilangan anak yang disayangi yang tiada gantinya..
Memang sukar untuk melupakan dan tak mungkin lupa...pasti hati akan terus merasa sedih bila memikirkan dia...tapi takdir Allah tak siapa dpt menolak...
Nong...yang pasti sebelum Ja pergi...dia tau Nong menyayanginya sepenuh jiwa....
Al-Fatihan buat arwah Ja...Aminn....
I almost lost my son Abang, now 14 twice. Once when I had a threatened abortion at three months and was *sentenced* to CRIB and next when he was 6 months when he had to undergo the emergency surgery. The doctor said that if I had waited a day - it could have been fatal.
ReplyDeleteEverday I look at him and I thank Allah for the opportunity that I can still have him as my son - eventhough I know every minute of the day, it a time borrowed.
I am sure Ja was loved deeply - and the love you had for him transcends beyond the mortal soul.
Al-Fatihah to Arwah JA.
ReplyDeleteAt times I feel that he is still around. I still remember, all the laughter and the fun...
It is true. We're living on borrowed time.
Hold every love ones close to your heart because you might wake up one day and realize that you’ve lost them forever...
As Salaamu Alaikum Sister: Your post breaks my heart. The photo of your Ja is beautiful, Masha Allah. May Allah (swt) grant you comfort/Ameen.
ReplyDeleteSister Safiyyah,
ReplyDeleteW'salam... I thank Allah to bless me with so much patience to face this sorrow.
As life goes on, pain is felt, tears are cried. But I wish to put miseries into the utmost bottom of my heart.
Nong, i feel for you. So sorry for your loss. When I read one of your entries earlier about you changing your will, i thot this happened some time back, didnt realize it was very close. Semoga tuhan mencucuri rahmat ke atas roh Ja, AlFatihah!
ReplyDeleteIt's been more than 3 months but i feel like it was only yesterday...
I could still hear his voice calling me, naughtily peeping through half-closed door...