“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced…”- Søren Kierkegaard

Life Goes On...
Into the world you come
Like the morning dew,
A sun, giving warmth...
Without warning
Without warning
A storm gathers,
Wipes away the sunshine…
Sorrow creeps,
Unsettling memories,
Wipes away the sunshine…
Sorrow creeps,
Unsettling memories,
Silence prevails...
Life must go on...
"Life must go on"
ReplyDeleteAnd u shall
In the comfort of ur love ones..
Akak u r lucky to have a loving husband and the other 2 children who i am sure love u very much..Sabar je la yea akak?
p.s in response to ur last comment in my blog, i ada antar email to ur email addy...
Kak Nong, yes life must go on.
ReplyDeleteSimah and AM,
ReplyDeleteYes, no matter what, life must go on. Somehow the burden of sorrow we share with someone we love, husband and kids.
And that's what draws us closer and makes us all care for each other more.
salaams. i was blog-hopping & came to yours. masha Allah. insha Allah, Allah will reward you for your patience. insha Allah, Allah will always replace something that He has taken away from you. may Allah bless you & your family always.
ReplyDelete.: people come into our lives for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. when they leave, realize that our needs have been met, our desires fulfilled, & their work done :..
Dear Nur,
ReplyDeleteW'Salam... Welcome and thanks for visiting.
I pray to Allah to grant me patience to face this turbulence. I know that life is tough, but I wish that I'm tougher.
Maybe there is more to life than living. Our existence will have more meaning.
salaams sis. i quote His firman: 'Siapakah yang memperkenankan (doa) orang yg dalam kesulitan apabila ia berdoa kepada Nya?'
ReplyDeletesesungguhnya bersama kesulitan itu ada kemudahan. insha Allah, all your loved ones, including me, will pray for the best for you. you're actually stronger than u think u are
hidup perlu di teruskan.. yang telah pergi telah sampai ke penghujung jalan..yang masih tinggal perlu meneruskan perjuangan.. sampai masa akan di jemput juga..
ReplyDeletebe strong..
Dear Nur,
ReplyDeleteAllah menjadikan musibah dan nikmah yang beraneka ragam bagi manusia, kerana Allah mempunyai hikmah dan kebijaksanaan yang sangat besar.
I pray that Allah akan menghilangkan kegelisahan dan kesedihan dihati ini...
*** ***
I will gather my strength and get up again. But for another blow, will I be able to sustain?
Firman Allah "... Kami akan menguji kamu dengan keburukan dan kebaikan sebagai cubaan (yang sebenar-benarnya). Dan hanya kepada Kamilah kamu dikembalikan." (Al-Anbiya':35)
ReplyDeleteThanks Dear Atenah...
ReplyDeleteKak Nong, at times of sadness and difficulty, I always remember that Allah never gives you more than you can handle. Insyaallah, you will be fine as life does go on. ((( Hugs )))
ReplyDeleteThanks. I'll be fine, over time. Life must go on... *Hugs*