About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Thursday 15 June 2006

Unrest in Dhaka...

“I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own…” - Chaim Potok

After dinner the kids gathered in front of the TV to watch the foot-ball games. They were ready and geared up with blankets, tit-bits and water. I guessed it will be another late nights for them.

I joined the kids for a short while but my body was dead beat and lethargic. And the bed looks so inviting. By 9 o’clock I was already sprawled on the bed and snoozed.

I woke up again when I heard the hand-phone ringing. It was hubby calling from Dhaka. Dhaka is 2 hours behind us and he just came back from dinner with his counterparty. I am glad to hear his voice. I am worried for his safety. I saw in CNN about the riots in the Bangladesh capital. Clashes were reported in nearly a dozen places across the city. Police fired bullets and tear gas at thousands of protesters wounding a few hundreds people. The protesters responded by throwing stones and setting several vehicles on fire.

Yang, please take care and avoid passing through those places. Nanti tak pasal2 kena tahan pulak. Ada iras bangla pulak tu, he he…


  1. when hubby used to travel to Dhaka I had the same worry too. there was a time when the market he used to buy material for me was on fire, and he called to say that he didnt shop that day. What a relief!

  2. Mama,
    Baru received sms dari Dhaka to inform that the strike dah over.

    Alhamdulillah... Kalau tidak melepas lah hubby nak shopping untuk the kids. Dorang kirim macam2...

  3. akak kata suami akak garang ngan anak anak...berani pulak depa kirim barang banyak kat bapak dia orang? :0)

  4. eseman, that last sentence tu, kijam lah but saya pun nak tergelak jugak (saya pun kijam huh).

  5. Risau juga, yer...BTW, Kak Nong, I added in a link from my blog to your blog - hope you don't mind? Kat Masjid Negara ada kelas Arab ke? I tengah cari actually, basic level la:)

  6. Simah,
    When the kids were young, my husband used to be garang with the kids. I was garang too. Kalau buat salah sure kena rotan. Our style of parenting is one which places strong value on discipline. They know that we love them very much.

    Alhamdulillah, because of that I notice the kids become more self-reliant and more self-disciplined...

  7. Atenah,
    Tang tu dah jadi family joke. Dulu masa hubby posting kat Mumbay pun ramai orang keliru...

    Dia ada darah Pakistan...

    *** ***

    Strike kat sana tu dah over. Hubby kata polis dah tangkap kigpins, jail pun dah penuh. Dorang kat sana buat strike monthly...

    Kalau nak join kelas arab kena tunggu next intake. Now dah half way. Kak nong pun dalam kelas basic je...

  8. Salam Kak Nong...

    Semuga semuanya ok ye..saje melompat2 tengahari ni...nak jemput kak Nong makan ayam masak serai, tak tahu akak kat mana? he..he..he..

  9. Maklang,
    Tengahari tadi Kak Nong ronda2 dengan the girl kat the Mall. Last2 makan nasi ayam kat Chicken Rice Shop. Boleh tahan...

    Tapi tak lah sesedap ayam masak serai Maklang...

  10. mak dan ayah zino dalam perjalanan pergi dan balik dari menegerjakan umrah minggu lepas singgah di dhaka..

    katanya makanan yg di hidangkan di sana sebiji macam kat malaysia.. siap dengan sambal belacan.. alhamdullilah mereka dah selamat sampai ke sini..

  11. Alhamdulillah, parents selamat. Tak tau pulak food dorang kat Dhaka tu macam makanan kat sini ye. I pun tak sampai lagi kat Dhaka tu walaupun hubby banyak kali juga kerja kat sana.

    Bila agaknya dia nak pelawa I gi sana ye…
