About Me

I am married to my loving husband for more than 45 years now. I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, until years ago when I lost my youngest son. Since then my life is forever altered but yet unbroken....

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Fourth Series of banknotes...

"Don't waste time grieving over past mistakes. Learn from them and move on..."

(A new look with security features)

The new RM50 banknote to celebrate 50th year of nationhood is the first of the 4th series banknotes. Only 20,000 pieces of the new RM50 banknote with a special packaging were made available for sale to members of the public and priced at RM60 per set.

(The queue starts very early)

There was a long queue as early as 6.30 a.m. at Bank Negara Malaysia's Head Office.
By noon the sets were all sold out!

Monday, 24 December 2007

Pahang - Mind the Gap...

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind...”

Frazer's Hill
(22 - 24 December 2007)

(The view from our bedroom)

Dear hubby and I spent two nights at our apartment resort at Frazer’s Hill to escape the heat of the city. We spent most of the time indoor, in front of the heater, reading story books or watching old videos of the kids, which brought sweet and sad nostalgic memories.

(A picture on the wall)

The weather was cool, there were minimal activities at the attraction areas, but the town centre was exceptionally crowded with tourist.

Access to Fraser's Hill was possible only via a 8-km one-lane road known as the The Gap, used by uphill and downhill traffic in turns as the new road was completely closed because of landslide and closed for major repairs. Although it was raining, and faced with the risk of landslides, we descended via the Raub road on the way back to KL and stopped at the road side to eat durian.

Tuesday, 13 November 2007

My 52nd birthday...

'"The best love is the one that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more..."

The day before my birthday I was sick with bad sore throat and took the day off to rest.

That night I had a very high fever. Hubby came home from Singapore, bought me hot soup for dinner and later tucked me in bed. When he handed me my birthday card together with a neatly wrapped parcel, I was too exhausted to open them. In the middle of the night I woke up shivering and drenched in cold sweat. I reached out to touch the unopened birthday card and present and went to sleep again in a pool of tears.

In the morning, together we read the card and unwrapped the present. The birthday wish was written with beautiful words, the birthday gift, a prescription of his love…
The best love
is a lifelong love
that sweetens the joys,
softens the hurts,
and strengthens
two hearts as it grows.

J. Hund

Thursday, 25 October 2007

P. Ramlee the Musical...

"Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power...” - Lao Tzu

Tonight we watched “P. Ramlee the Musical” at Istana Budaya. All tickets were sold out when we tried to book on-line but somehow hubby managed to buy two tickets over the counter.
The two-hour musical, taking on the life story of Malaysia’s greatest and much-loved entertainment icon, Tan Sri P. Ramlee. starring Sean Ghazi in the lead and also Liza Hanim, Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, Melissa Saila among others.
The songs were beautiful…

Monday, 22 October 2007

Langkawi - A long relaxing weekend...

“Travel turns all the fairy tales and stories into reality..."

Pulau Langkawi
(19 - 21 Oktober 2007)

Friday afternoon, after a short tour of the shops at Padang Besar, we drove to Kuala Kedah to board the 6 o’clock ferry to Langkawi island. The ferry was fast and bouncy. I was tired and slept the whole journey. Hubby complained of seasick when we disembarked at Kuah. We picked our rented car and drove to Pantai Chenang and spent a relaxing, peaceful weekend at Sri Kijang.

Pantai Chenang is one of the most popular beach destinations in Langkawi, known not only for its delightful sunsets but also for its long and sandy beach. We did not have time to hangout on the beach but we had a round of traditional massage at a nearby spa. Other beaches visited were Tanjung Rhu and Pantai Tengah.

The Langkawi Cable Car links the Base Station at Oriental Village to the Peak Station on top of Gunung Machinchang. The 20 minutes journey in a four-seater cable car ascends the height over a distance of 2.2 km. The peak offers a 360 º panorama of a breathtaking view of the islands, the rural lowlands and the seas as far as Thailand. You can have a bird's eye view of the Telaga Tujuh waterfalls. It was drizzling when we reached the top and we were caught in a thick mist while walking on the hanging bridge.

The Galeria Perdana is a unique gallery built to display and share with everyone the various awards, souvenirs and gifts the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir and his wife received from world leaders, statesmen as well as Malaysians during his tenure. The building displays the various exhibits in an ambiance of harmony and creative interaction. The extensive grounds around the building are also very interesting as they are specially landscaped and planted with local trees, shrubs and herbs.

On the last day in Langkawi, we went for a duty-free shopping spree and bought us a few sets of longchamp crystals…

Friday, 19 October 2007

Perlis - Cave of Darkness...

“A hopeful heart and an open mind are the best travelling companions..”

Gua Kelam, Perlis

My court case in Kuala Kubu Baru this week was postponed to a later date so I was able to travel with hubby to Perlis. During the short stay in Kangar and in between his scheduled meetings, we managed to explore Gua Kelam, did a little shopping at Padang Besar and had seafood dinner at Kuala Perlis.

(The entrance to Gua Kelam)

Gua Kelam is situated at Kaki Bukit, a 370-metre long limestone cave can be access by way of a suspension bridge. The uniqueness of the entrance and the experience of walking along the bridge, make exploration of this cave an adventurous experience.

(Pathway illuminated with lights)

A cool underground stream flows in the limestone cave for about a quarter of a mile long. The cave is clean and free of bats smell.

(Dramatic photo opportunity)

A wooden walkway hangs suspended throughout the length of the underground cavern leading to picnic spot on the opposite end called the Wan Tangga Valley.

We only stayed a night in Kangar and later spent a long relaxing weekend in Sri Kijang, Langkawi.

Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Eid Fitri Mubarak...

"Our Raya celebration this year, like any other year before this, was simple and nice..."

(Eid morning at our Putramas Apartment)

After the solat Eidil-fitri at Mesjid Wilayah, we went to Shah’s place where we had pot-luck lunch gathering for the family. Later in the afternoon, we drove to Melaka and had dinner gathering for my side of the family. Iwan and Ella came later in the evening and joined the kids to play the mercun and bunga api which Tok Abah bought earlier. Raya night was spent in the nearby chalet as all rooms in Mak’s house were fully booked.

The next day, we convoyed in 4 cars to visit all my uncles and aunties in Melaka and Johor. We had so much fun watching Abah’s siblings got together and reminisced childhood tales, recalling minute details, although all of them are more than 80 years old! There was so much to share, and I could sense that the two brothers and three sisters missed each others so much.

On Tuesday, it was very quiet back in the office and a good time for me to start the puasa enam. As usual I have not taken any leave but plan to take a few days off after everyone else comes back from their Raya holidays.

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Prayer for the Dead...

"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets..."

Earlier hubby sent sms to his siblings to plan to go to tanah perkuburan in Meru to clean up the kubur. This has been a yearly ritual before the Raya Eidil-fitri. We left our apartment very early in the morning and as usual, were the first to arrive. Ros and Mak went to look for daun pandan and flowers to make bunga rampai. Zin and Shah came later. The rest couldn’t make it.

This time I noticed that the kawasan kubur was not well taken care off. The grass has grown wild and the usual path that we used to take was covered by bushes. We even took a while to locate the graves as a big tree has fallen on top of them. Even the batu nisan has gone missing from some. It was a pathetic sight. That was then we decided to change the batu nisan and make a proper barricade to the area.

We recited the yasin and sedekah al-fatihah to all the arwahs……

Eternal rest grant unto them, Ya Allah;
and let perpetual light shine upon them.
May they rest in peace.

Monday, 8 October 2007

Charged on Bail...

“I regret that it takes a life to learn how to live…” - Jonathan Safran Foer

This is my second subpoena to the court in Shah Alam. The first was in May this year.

I was early and the court room was packed. But my IO was no where to be seen. It is learnt that he knew before hand that the case would be postponed and has taken leave the whole week for the Raya celebration. I saw a few familiar faces, celebrities and all. Even the accused for my case was there with his entourage but I learned that his lawyer was absent too. I decided to wait for the case to be mentioned and the postponement to be announced before I left court.

It was already noon when I arrived at the apartment. I called the office to take time off and slept on the sofa the whole afternoon.

Saturday, 29 September 2007

Togetherness is happiness...

"Being sad with the right people is better than being happy with the wrong ones..." - Philippos


May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trials to make you strong,
enough sorrow to keep you human,
enough hope to make you happy

Monday, 10 September 2007

Serawak - The tail of the cat...

"The Question is not what you look at, but what you see!"

(Serawak: 8 - 11 Sept 2007)

(A formation of black rocks)

On Sunday we decided to drive to the tail of the cat and planned to go to Tanjung Datu but there is no through road and the only way to get there is to rent a boat!.

(Taking in the cool breeze of the beach)

We decided to explore other remote parts of Sarawak and our journey passed through Lundu and Sematan. We stopped at a few beautiful beaches along the route.

(A lone fishing boat)

There are beautiful rock formation, granite boulders lying on the beach and in the water, making a picturesque scenery. The combination of reflection, rock and trees create a beautiful sight. A lone boat is serene under the cloudy sky..

(Gunung Gading National Park)

On the way back to Kuching, we stopped at Gunung Gading national Park, located in the Lundu District. The Park consists of rugged mountain peaks which provides a scenic backdrop to the nearby Pandan and Siar beaches.
The waterfalls in the upper part of Sungai Lundu have become a popular recreational destination for both local and foreign visitors. Gunung Gading is the home to numerous rare plants including the world's largest flower, the Rafflesia.

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Serawak - Kalimantan border towns...

“May the wind under your wings bear you where the sun sails and the moon walks...” 

(Sarawak: 8 - 11 Sept 2007)

On Saturday, it was raining heavily when our plane landed in Kuching Airport.

We rented a car and drove to Damai Beach resort for a 2-night stay there. My meeting at the branch will be on Tuesday so I have taken Monday off.

On Sunday we decided to drive to Tebedu, about 100km from Kuching town and a point of entry into West Kalimantan. The journey was smooth using the highway and we passed the limestone hills and pinnacles.

The pinnacles should not be missed if you are in Sarawak, especially the famous pinnacles at Mulu where they could reach up to 40 meters tall and has become a world heritage site – a natural wonder of the world.

We thought of driving to Pontianak but were told it may take us more that 8 hours to reach there. So we decided to explore a few towns across the Malaysia-Indonesia border and passed through Entikong and Balaikarang, both are deserted and becoming ghost towns.
It was raining all the way back to Kuching...

Friday, 7 September 2007

Langkawi - Leadership for Dummies...

“Remember you are over the edge of the wild now, and in for all sorts of fun wherever you go…” J.R.R. Tolkien

(Langkawi: 3 -6 Sept 2007)

(Ice-breaking session)

I nearly missed my plane that day!

My original flight schedule was supposed to be at 1530. Luckily that morning while packing, I took a peek at my ticket and was shocked to see the change in time to 1400.

There were 25 of us, Directors and Deputy Directors gathered at the Sri Kijang Resort for a 4-day Leadership Development Program. The program was packed with class-room sessions, group discussions, presentations, and a one-to-one coaching with consultants specially flown from all over the world.

During the ice-breaking session, each of us was asked to draw about ourselves, when we were at 10-years old, 10 years ago, now and 10 years in the future. This is what I drew about my-self.

(Peaceful ambiance of BNM resort)

Sri Kijang Resort is complete with conference rooms, discussion rooms, dining halls, and lounge. The chalets are spacious with rooms equipped with fridge and TV. There are gazebos and wakafs to rest in the evening and a swimming pool to relax our tired bodies and minds.

(Watching the beautiful sunset)

We had much fun discovering our leadership styles. The 360-degree evaluation from bosses, subordinates and peers enforced clearly our strengths and weaknesses.

At night we had dinner at the beach or another night at the Yacht club, watching the sun set. Most nights were spent singing karaoke in the lounge or play darts or carom. Some nights were spent in our room with loads of homework too!

Overall, the program was good and fun. There will be a lot of follow-ups after this. But tonight I need to pack again.

I will be going to Kuching and Kota Kinabalu for the audit exit meetings with the auditors. The good thing is, hubby will be coming with me and we'll spend a few days together.

Penat nye!

"Love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't..."

I've heard that hard work never killed anyone, but I say why take the chance?

This afternoon, I just came back from a week's leadership program at the Sri Kijang Resort Complex in Langkawi. The program was on developing individual leaders and organizational leadership capabilities. It was really hectic. I wish I could take a few days off to unwind but tonight I need to pack again!

Tomorrow afternoon, I am flying off to Kuching, then to Kota Kinabalu on Wednesday. I am attending the exit audit meetings with the auditors at our Kuching and KK branches.

Penat nye!

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Our 28th Anniversary...

"Love is about finding courage inside of you that you didn't even know was there..."

Our 28th Anniversary
I love you
For the beautiful history
That we have together,
For all the ups and downs
That we two have shared…
'I love you
For being my happiness,
For understanding me so completely,
For giving me
The very best of yourselves…
'I love you
Because you are part of me,
And I want to spend
The rest of my years
Loving you more and more and more…

p.s. Happy Anniversary yang, thank you for the lovely card and present

Friday, 31 August 2007

Lots of Celebrations!

“Life is worth living as long as there's a laugh in it…” - L.M. Montgomery
(Sara, Iwan & Ella)

It is 31st August
we are celebrating the 50th MERDEKA!
We are celebrating Iwan's birthday
and our Anniversary, too

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Learning from The Guru...

“A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject…” - Winston Churchill

Twenty of us attended Harvard Executive Program ‘The General Manager as Strategist and Implementer’ at The Saujana.

The Program was facilitated by Prof. David A. Garvin from the Harvard Business School. The 1-day program was designed to improve the skills of senior executives in the private and public sectors confronted with difficult, demanding challenges and changing environments.

The main takeaways include enabling the participants to refine our ability to make decisions, identify problems and pathologies, assess the effectiveness of our teams, evaluate the learning cultures of our organizations and design a change management process, and act more effectively and decisively.

There were more that 100 senior executives from diverse line of trades. Our organization sent the highest number of participants as this program is related to the organisation’s leadership competencies, in particular strategic insights and drive for excellence, which are critical in the leadership development.

Thursday, 16 August 2007

I don't know much...

“I don't like that man. I must get to know him better...” - Abraham Lincoln

Look at this man
So blessed with inspiration
Look at this soul
Still searching for salvation

I don't know much
But I know I love you
And that may be all I need to know

(Linda Ronstadt)

HaPpY BiRtHdAy, yang...

Thursday, 9 August 2007

50th Merdeka Coins...

'"Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't..." - Erica Jong

Bank Negara Malaysia has issued three types of commemorative coins to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Malaysia's Independence. The commemorative coins were launched last week by the Minister of Culture, Arts and Heritage, Dato' Seri Dr. Rais Yatim at the National Art Gallery. In conjunction with the launching there was a week exhibition on the nation’s heritage coins and my officers have been busy assisting the Unit Muzeum during the exhibition.

The commemorative coins were selling like hot cakes during the exhibition although this time round the prices are a little higher compared to the other commemorative coins.

Orders for the coins are still coming. The stock is running very low and the Mint is too slow to keep up with the demand.

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Hard to swallow...

“Right or wrong, it's very pleasant to break something from time to time…” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

(Our harvest)

Earlier today Sara called. She sounded terrible with her sore throat and stuffed nose. I promised her that I will send her medicine to her hostel in INTAN after my gym session with the gang at the club. She was having fever, cough and cold since last week.

She was not feeling well when she accompanied me to visit my Mak and Abah in Melaka last Saturday. I was not feeling that good too. When we were at Mak’s house, my Abah plucked some rambutan and I ate a basketful non-stop.

By the time we reached home that night, I had aggravated a sore throat and gone to bed with unstoppable diarrhoea and a fever.

Sunday, 5 August 2007

Penang - A relaxing weekend...

“Own only what you can carry with you, let your memory be your travel bag...” - Alexander Solzhenitsyn

(27 - 29 July 2007)

I applied for a half-day leave on Friday. I’m meeting hubby and will be spending the weekend with him in Penang. The weather was sunny and clear when I started my journey. I stopped at Bukit Gantang R&R for a late lunch and when I reached Juru around 6 p.m. it was raining quite heavily.

As planned, we met at the Petrol Station after the Tol Plaza. Earlier, his team dropped him there on their way back to KL. They were in Prai on business since yesterday.

We stayed in the chalet at Batu Feringgi on Friday night and on Saturday we moved to the haunted Penthouse to stay the night there. We checked the Register and noticed that the penthouse was not in used since beginning of the year.

Although the penthouse is still my favorite abode, and I’m used to the penghuni there, it is still creepy and eerie at times… he he…

Sunday morning we drove leisurely back to KL. Reached the apartment before Magrib. Enough time to shower and dress up for Dato’ M Nor’s wedding reception for his son at Felda Dewan Perdana.

Friday, 27 July 2007

Indonesia: Bandung local scenes...

"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us..." - Alexander Graham Bell 

Bandung, Indonesia
(21 - 24 July 2007)

My Travelogue: Bandung 2007, Indonesia