“Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value...” - Albert Einstein
(Muslimah in bright pink attire) |
This morning, after my Kahfi class at Masjid At-Tayyibin, I attended another event organised by the Muslimah Surau al-Firdaus. The Majlis baca Yassin and Khatam al-Quran was led by Ustaz Dasuki, the Imam of Masjid al-Firdaus.
This is my first time joining this group as I had never attended any of their events prior to this. The event was organised quite well and went smoothly. The attendees received a door gift each, with lots of food and a white tudung as door-gift souvenirs.
I had requested to be included in the WhatsApp group and would join any event if time permitted, insyaAllah.
(Imam Surau Al-Firdaus, Ustaz Dasuki) |